Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Credit for Taxes Paid. Tobacco distributors may claim a credit for taxes paid on tobacco products other than cigarettes that are:
a. Sold and delivered to retailers or distributors at locations outside the state of Idaho;
b. Sold and delivered to the United States Government on U.S. Military reservations located within Idaho;
c. Sold and delivered to a purchaser within the boundaries of an Idaho Indian reservation when the purchaser is an enrolled member of an Idaho Indian tribe; a business enterprise wholly owned and operated by an enrolled member or members of an Idaho Indian tribe; or a business enterprise wholly owned and operated by an Idaho Indian tribe.
02.Documentation. Distributors must maintain adequate records to show the validity of credits claimed under this subsection, including delivery records and invoices. If the distributor is selling to an enrolled member of an Indian tribe they should keep a copy of the purchaser's tribal identification card in their files. If they are selling to a tribally owned entity, they should keep a certificate of tribal ownership or some other form of clear and convincing evidence that the purchaser is a business wholly owned and operated by an Idaho Indian tribe.
03.Indian Reservations. Indian reservation means lands which are:
a. Indian lands federally declared to be reservations because they are reserved for Indian tribes by treaty between Indian tribes and any territorial governments, state government, or the United States Government; established by acts of the United States Congress; established by formal decision of the Executive Branch of the United States; or
b. Held by an Idaho Indian tribe not holding lands which meet the definition of Subsection 022.03.a., above, and are tribal lands held in trust by the United States for the use and benefit of such tribe.
04.Non-Indian Enterprises. Tobacco distributors may not claim a credit for taxes paid on tobacco products sold to non-Indian enterprises or persons located within the boundaries of an Idaho Indian reservation.
05.Non-Indian Retailers. Non-Indian retailers located within the boundaries of an Idaho Indian reservation may not sell tobacco products upon which tobacco products tax has not been paid.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022