Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Sections 49-432, 63-2401, 63-2438 through 63-2440, 63-2442A, Idaho Code

01.In General. It is unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle over twenty-six thousand (26,000) pounds maximum registered gross weight or a motor vehicle with three (3) or more axles regardless of weight, that uses special fuels as defined in Section 63-2401, Idaho Code, on the highways of this state without having obtained one (1) of the following:
a. A registration to operate the motor vehicle solely within this state under Section 49-434, Idaho Code.
b. A temporary fuel tax permit from the Idaho Transportation Department.
c. An IFTA license.
02.Federal or In-State Governmental Vehicles. Motor vehicles owned or leased and operated by the federal government or the state of Idaho or their instrumentalities or political subdivisions are exempt from these requirements.
03.Out-of-State Governmental Vehicles. Motor vehicles owned or operated by another state of the United States or any agency or subdivision thereof are exempt from permitting and reporting under this rule if the state in which they are owned grants a reciprocal privilege to Idaho and its agencies and subdivisions.
04.Temporary Fuel Tax Permits. Any person who operates a motor vehicle over twenty-six thousand (26,000) pounds maximum registered gross weight or a motor vehicle with three (3) or more axles regardless of weight, that uses special fuels on the highways of this state and is not registered solely for operation in this state under Section 49-434, Idaho Code, or IFTA licensed, must secure a temporary fuel tax permit from the Idaho Transportation Department in the manner provided and required by that department.
05.Not Obtaining an IFTA License, or Temporary Fuel Tax Permit. Operation of a motor vehicle over twenty-six thousand (26,000) pounds maximum registered gross weight or a motor vehicle with three (3) or more axles regardless of weight, that uses special fuels on the highways of this state without a registration to operate the motor vehicle solely within this state under Section 49-434, Idaho Code, an IFTA license, or an Idaho temporary fuel tax permit is hereby deemed to be an act tending to prejudice the collection of the special fuels tax and an act that renders wholly or partially ineffective the procedures for collection of that tax. Accordingly, any deputy of the Tax Commission, including those designated as deputies in Section 300 of these rules, may issue a jeopardy assessment under the authority of Section 63-2434, Idaho Code. Such deputy is authorized to institute immediate collection procedures, including issuance of a tax warrant and distraint of the motor vehicle required to display, but not displaying, either an IFTA license or a temporary fuel tax permit.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022