01.Unitary Taxpayers. Limitations apply to each taxpayer according to its own tax liability. Each corporation in a unitary group is a separate taxpayer.02.Transferred Credit. Limitations apply to each transferee as if the transferee had earned the credit.i. The fourteen (14) year carryover period provided by section 63-3029I(7), Idaho Code, extends throughout the fourteen (14) taxable years following the year in which the equipment was installed. The fourteen (14) year carryover period begins to run regardless of whether the taxpayer has sought and received approval from the Idaho public utilities commission (PUC).ii. Once a taxpayer has received the approval order from the PUC, the broadband tax credit may be claimed or transferred. If the statute of limitations has expired for filing a return to claim the credit for the taxable year of the installation, the taxpayer cannot claim any credit for that taxable year, but must calculate how much of the credit the taxpayer could have used to determine the amount of credit available to carry forward pursuant to section 63-3029I(7), Idaho Code.iii. Example: A calendar year filer installed qualifying equipment on July 20, 2001. However, it was not until 2013 that the taxpayer sought and received the approval order from the PUC. The fourteen (14) year carryover period already began to run based on the installation date and will expire at the end of the 2015 taxable year. On March 10, 2013 the taxpayer is preparing his tax returns and considering how much broadband credit is available and to which taxable years it could be applied to. The taxpayer can file an amended return to claim the credit starting with taxable year 2009 (prior years would be out of the statute of limitations for filing an amended return assuming all returns had been timely filed and no other special circumstances had held the period open). The taxpayer must look back to taxable year 2001 (the year of installation) to see how much credit the taxpayer could have used in each taxable year up to 2009 to determine how much credit carryover amount is still available pursuant to the carryover limitations of section 63-3029I(7), Idaho Code. The taxpayer must use up or transfer any unused credit before taxable year 2016; after taxable year 2015, the carry forward period will expire and any unused credit will no longer be available for the taxpayer to apply or transfer.03.Taxpayers Entitled to the Credit. Rule 711 of these rules will apply to the broadband equipment investment credit except that limitations referenced in Subsection 711.01 of these rules will be those limitations as provided in Section 63-3029I, Idaho Code.04.Pass-Through Entities. The credit may be earned by a partnership, S corporation, estate, or trust and passed through to the partner, shareholder, or beneficiary. See Rule 785 of these rules for the method of attributing the credit, for pass-through entities paying tax, and the application of limitations on pass-through credits.Idaho Admin. Code r.