Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Section 63-3027(4)(a), Idaho Code

01.Subject to Tax. A taxpayer is subject to one of the taxes specified in Section 63-3027(4)(a), Idaho Code, if it carries on business activity in a state and that state imposes one of those taxes on it. A taxpayer that claims it is subject to one (1) of the taxes specified in Section 63-3027(4)(a), Idaho Code, is to furnish the Tax Commission, at its request, evidence to support this claim. The Tax Commission may request that evidence include proof the taxpayer has filed the required tax return in the other state and has paid any taxes imposed by the law of that state. The taxpayer's failure to provide proof may be considered in determining whether the taxpayer is subject to one of the taxes specified in Section 63-3027(4)(a), Idaho Code.
02.Concept of Taxability. The concept of taxability in another state is based on the premise that every state in which the taxpayer transacts business may impose an income tax even though every state does not do so. A state may impose other types of taxes as a substitute for an income tax. Only those taxes specified in Section 63-3027(4)(a), Idaho Code, that are revenue producing rather than regulatory in nature is to be considered in determining taxability in another state.
03.Examples of Taxability.
a. State A requires each corporation that qualifies or registers in State A to pay the Secretary of State an annual license fee or tax for the privilege of doing business in the state, regardless of whether it exercises the privilege. The amount paid is determined according to the total authorized capital stock of the corporation; the rates progressively increase. The statute sets a minimum fee of fifty dollars ($50) and a maximum fee of five hundred dollars ($500). Failure to pay the tax bars a corporation from using the state courts to enforce its rights. State A also imposes a corporation income tax. Corporation X is qualified in State A and pays the required fee to the Secretary of State, but does not transact business in State A, although it may use the courts of State A. Corporation X is not taxable in State A.
b. Assume the same facts as in Subsection 390.03.a., except that Corporation X is subject to and pays the corporation income tax. Payment is prima facie evidence that Corporation X is subject to the net income tax of State A and is taxable in State A.
c. State B requires all corporations qualified or registered in State B to pay the Secretary of State an annual permit fee or tax for doing business in the state. The base of the fee or tax is the sum of: outstanding capital stock, and surplus and undivided profits. The fee or tax base attributable to State B is determined by a three (3) factor apportionment formula. Corporation X, which operates a plant in State B, pays the required fee or tax to the Secretary of State. Corporation X is taxable in State B.
d. State A has a corporation franchise tax measured by net income for the privilege of doing business in that state. Corporation X files a return based on its business activity in the state, but the amount of computed liability is less than the minimum tax. Corporation X pays the minimum tax. Corporation X is subject to State A's corporation franchise tax.
04.Voluntary Tax Payment. A taxpayer is not subject to one (1) of the taxes specified in Section 63-3027(4)(a), Idaho Code, if the taxpayer voluntarily files and pays the tax when not required to do so by the laws of that state.
05.Minimum Tax or Fee. A taxpayer is not subject to one (1) of the taxes specified in Section 63-3027(4)(a), Idaho Code if it pays a minimal fee for qualification, organization, or the privilege of doing business in that state, but:
a. Does not transact business in that state; or
b. Engages in business activity not sufficient for nexus, and the minimum tax bears no relationship to the taxpayer's business activity within that state.
c. Example. State A has a corporation franchise tax measured by net income for the privilege of doing business in that state. Corporation X files a return and pays the fifty dollar ($50) minimum tax, although it does not transact business in State A. Corporation X is not taxable in State A.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective April 6, 2023