Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Issuance of Commission Order. On or before March 1 of each succeeding year, the Commission shall issue an order in response to the Administrator's annual report that will establish funding levels to be in effect for the twelve months beginning April 1 following issuance of the order. The Commission may issue an order revising funding levels at other times in order to preserve the integrity of the fund.
02.Findings and Directives of the Order Prescribing Funding Levels. Orders prescribing funding levels issued pursuant to Rule 202.01 shall contain the following:
a. The Commission's finding of the funding target for the TRS program for the twelve (12) months beginning April 1 (or other appropriate time, if the order is not issued to be in effect for twelve (12) months beginning April 1), based upon anticipated expenses of operation of the TRS program for those twelve (12) months and prudent management of minimum fund balances; and
b. The Commission's findings of the fair, just and reasonable allocations of the twelve (12) month funding target that will come from telephone corporations providing local exchange service and that will come from telephone corporations providing MTS/WATS services, respectively.
03.Calculation of Funding Levels. Telephone corporations providing local exchange service in Idaho and telephone corporations providing intrastate Message Telecommunication Services/Wide Area Telecommunications Services (MTS/WATS) services in Idaho must contribute to the TRS fund as follows:
a. Each telephone corporation providing local exchange service in Idaho shall file a monthly report, due on or before the first of each month, stating the number of local access lines it has for that month. The data used to determine a local exchange company's number of local access lines shall be the same as that used for monthly reporting to the Administrator of the Universal Service Fund (USF) for the monthly USF report. See USF Rule 201.01, IDAPA
b. Each telephone corporation providing intrastate MTS/WATS service in Idaho is required to contribute to TRS funding in proportion to the number of its intrastate MTS/WATS billed minutes, provided that those telephone corporations providing intrastate MTS/WATS service in Idaho that use the services of another telephone corporation for the actual transportation of calls and that have been granted exemptions from contributions to the USF by the Commission, the USF Administrator, or the Commission staff are also granted exemptions from contributions to the TRS fund by operation of this rule. The USF Administrator shall provide the TRS Administrator with a list of all telephone corporations exempted from contributing to the USF and all changes to that list whenever they are made. The data determining an MTS/WATS company's number of intrastate MTS/WATS billed minutes for a given monthly report due on or before the first of the month shall be the same provided to the Administrator of the USF for the USF report also due on or before the first of that month. See USF Rule 201.02, IDAPA

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022