Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

The following definitions are used in this title and chapter:

01.Applicant. Unless restricted by definition within a rule or group of rules to a particular class of service, "applicant" means any potential customer who applies for service from a utility. Utilities may require an adult or minor competent to contract to join a minor not competent to contract as an applicant.
02.Customer. Unless restricted by definition within a rule or group of rules to a particular class of customer, "customer" means any person who has applied for, has been accepted by the utility, and is:
a. Receiving service from a utility; or
b. Has received service within the past ten (10) calendar days prior to termination by the utility; or
c. Has assumed responsibility for payment of service provided to another or others. If the person receiving service is not the same person as the person assuming responsibility for payment of service, the latter is the customer for purposes of obtaining or terminating service, receiving refunds, or making changes to the account.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective July 1, 2024