Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

The Department must create an annual written report for the Governor and the Legislature describing the following:

01.Successes. The Department's success under this act in attracting new jobs;
02.Estimated Tax Credit Commitments. The estimated amount of tax credit commitments made by the Department and the period of time over which tax credits will be paid;
03.Economic Impact to State. The economic impact to the state related to generating new state revenue and providing tax credits under this act;
04.Estimated Costs and Benefits. The estimated costs and economic benefits of the tax credit commitments that the Department made; and
05.Actual Costs and Benefits. The actual costs and economic benefits of the tax credit commitments the Department made.
06.Submittal of Report. The report must be submitted to the Office of the Governor and the appropriate legislative committee chairmen in a timely manner following the close of the state's fiscal year.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022