Current through September 2, 2024
Section - DEFINITIONSAs used in this chapter:
01. 2CFR 200 . Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards as set forth in 2 CRF 200 (Code of Federal Regulations.02.Applicant. An IDPR approved entity, that identifies a need for a project, supplies initial support data, and applies for program grant through the Department.03.ATV. All-terrain vehicle.04.Board. The Idaho Park and Recreation Board.05.Department. The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation.06.Grant. A grant from programs or funds as described in Section 050 of this chapter.07.Grantee. An applicant who receives a grant from the Department for the programs or funds as described in Section 050.08.Match. The grantee's contribution of cash, material, labor, and third-party in-kind services needed to complete the project as defined in the grant agreement.09.Non-Profit. An organization that qualifies for tax-exempt status by the IRS because its mission and purpose are to further a social cause and provide a public benefit. As used in this chapter, the term includes qualified non-for-profit organizations that benefit outdoor recreation.10.Project. The purchases, construction, or other activities proposed by the applicant and documented in the grant agreement.11.Public Entity. The state, federal or local government or a subdivision thereof (including recreation districts), or a Native American Tribe.12.Recreational Grant Program Guidance. A compilation of state procedures, rules, policies, and instructions assembled for dissemination to the potential entities that may wish to apply for grants.13.State and Federal Grant Manager. The Department employee in charge of state and federal grant programs.Idaho Admin. Code r.