Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Building Roads.
a. When building roads, all construction shall be carried on in accordance with good logging engineering practices and shall be constructed and maintained in a manner to insure reasonably safe operation.
b. The due consideration shall be given to the following factors:
i. The type of material used for roadbed and surfacing.
ii. The type of hauling equipment which will travel road.
iii. The size of loads to be hauled.
iv. The pitch and length of grades.
v. The degree of curvature and visibility on turns.
vi. The volume of traffic.
c. Truck roads shall not be too steep for safe operation of logging, or work trucks which operate over them, and should not exceed twenty percent (20%) grade unless an auxiliary means of truck lowering is provided.
d. Sufficient turnouts shall be provided and a safe side clearance maintained along all truck roads.
e. Brush and other materials that obstruct the view at intersections or on sharp curves shall be eliminated and all possible precautions taken.
f. Culverts and bridge structures shall be adequate to support the maximum imposed loads without exceeding the maximum safe working unit stresses. Such structures shall be maintained in good condition and shall be inspected annually by a qualified individual.
g. Dangerous trees, snags and brush, which may create a hazard shall be cleared a safe distance on both sides of the right-of-way.
02.Main Truck Roads.
a. Main truck roads shall be of sufficient width and evenness to insure the safe operation of equipment.
b. Truck roads with blind curves where visibility is less than three hundred (300) feet shall be of sufficient width for two (2) trucks to pass, controlled by some type of signal system, or speed shall be limited to fifteen (15) miles per hour.
c. Conditions such as broken planking, deep holes, large rocks, logs, etc., which prevent the safe operation of equipment shall be immediately corrected.
d. Wheel guard rails on bridges shall be not less than eight (8) inches above deck and shall be substantially fastened to withstand impact of shearing wheels. Such guard rails shall extend the full length of the bridge.
03.Operation of Equipment. Excavators, tractors, bulldozers, and other equipment shall be operated in a safe and careful manner. All precautions shall be taken to insure the safety of all employees.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022