Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Use of Conventional Space Transmission of Radio Signals. When conventional space transmission of radio signals is used under and in accordance with an authorization granted by the Federal Communications Commissions to initiate any whistle, horn, bell or other audible signaling device, or such transmission of radio signals is used to activate or control any equipment, the following specific rules contained in this section will apply.

NOTE: This rule shall apply only to devices operating on radio frequencies authorized pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission.

02.Description on Outside of Case.
a. Each radio transmitter and receiver shall have its tone frequency(s) in hertz (CPS), the manufacturer's serial number, and the assigned radio frequency clearly and permanently indicated on the outside of the case.
b. When the duration of a tone frequency performs a function, the pulse-tone duration shall also be permanently indicated on the outside of the case.
c. On the FCC restricted frequencies one hundred fifty-four point fifty-seven (154.57) MHZ and one hundred fifty-four point sixty (154.60) MHZ, a maximum of two (2) watts of power will be allowed.
03.Activating Pulse-Tone Limitations. The activating pulse-tone of any multi-tone transmitter shall be of not more than forty (40) milliseconds duration.
04.Adjustment, Repair or Alteration. All adjustments, repairs or alterations of radio-signaling devices shall be done only by or under the immediate supervision and responsibility of a person holding a first or second class commercial radio operator's license, either radio-telephone or radio-telegraph, issued by the Federal Communications Commission.
05.Testing of Tone-Signal Controlled Devices.
a. Tone-signal controlled devices shall be tested each day before work begins. If any part of the equipment fails to function properly, the system shall not be used until the source of trouble is detected and corrected.
b. Audible signals used for test purposes shall not include signals used for movement of lines or material.

NOTE: Equipment or machines controlled by radio-signaling devices shall be designed and built to "fail safe" or stop, in case of failure of the radio-signaling device.

06.Interference, Overlap, Fade-Out or Blackout. When interference, overlap, fade-out or blackout of radio signals is encountered, the use of the tone-signal controlled device shall be immediately discontinued. The use of such tone-signal controlled device shall not be resumed until the source of trouble has been detected and corrected.
07.Number of Transmitters Required.
a. Two (2) radio transmitters shall be in the vicinity of the rigging crew at all times when transmitters are being used by persons who are around the live rigging.
b. Only one (1) radio transmitter shall be required, if in possession of a signalman who has no other duties and remains in an area where he is not subjected to hazards created by moving logs or rigging.
08.Voice Communication.
a. Voice Communication shall be used for explanation purposes only.
b. Actual activation of equipment shall be done by audible horn, bell or whistle and not by voice.
c. The signal must be audible throughout the entire yarding and machine area.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022