Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Terms used in these standards shall be interpreted in the most commonly accepted sense, excepting only those specifically defined.

01.Equipment. The term, as used, means and include all machines, machinery, tools, devices, safeguard, and protective facilities used in connection with logging operations, regardless of ownership.
02.Grapple. A device attached to a hoisting line for mechanically handling logs.
03.Guarded. Guarded means covered, shielded, or railed so as to remove the possibility of dangerous contact or approach by employees or objects. It further means construction of guards to ensure protection from flying objects where applicable.
04.Guy Lines. The lines used to stay or support spar trees, booms, etc.
05.Haul Back. A small wire line traveling between the power skidder and a pulley set near the logs. Used to return the main cable with tongs, chokers, or hooks to the next log.
06.Hazard. Hazard, as used in these standards, means any condition or circumstance that may cause accident or injury to an employee.
07.Hook Tender, Hooker. The worker who supervises the method of moving the logs from the woods to the place of loading.
08.It is Recommended, or Should. When these terms are used they indicate provisions that are not mandatory.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022