Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Credited improvements will be valued on the basis of replacement cost, including lessee provided labor, equipment and materials, less depreciation based on loss of utility. Improvements cannot be appraised higher than current market value, regardless of lessee's cost. Any improvement amortization or cost limitations identified by the Department will be considered in determining a final value.

01.Applicant Review of Department Improvement Credit Valuation. All applicants for a conflicted lease will be provided a copy of the Department's improvement credit valuation for review and a notice of objection form. Any applicant objecting to the appraisal will have twenty-one (21) days from the date of the valuation mailing to submit the notice of objection form to the Department. If no objections are received during the twenty-one (21) day review period, the lease auction will be scheduled and will proceed using the Department's improvement credit valuation.
02.Failure to File a Timely Notice of Objection. Failure to submit a notice of objection within the specified twenty-one (21) day period will preclude any applicant from further administrative remedies and the auction will proceed using the Department's improvement credit valuation.
03.Notice of Objection. Any applicant objecting to the Department improvement credit valuation must submit a complete and timely notice of objection form, and payment of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) or ten percent (10%) of the total Department improvement credit valuation whichever is greater, to pay for the services of an independent third party. Within five (5) days of receipt of the notice of objection, the Department will notify all applicants in writing that an objection has been received and provide them with a list of certified appraisers.
04.Selection of an Independent Third Party. The applicants will have twenty-one (21) days from the date of the Department's notification of an objection to select by mutual agreement, one individual from the list of certified appraisers to serve as an independent third party. If the applicants cannot agree on an independent third party within the twenty-one (21) day time period, the Department will randomly select one individual from the list to serve as the independent third party.
05.Duties of the Independent Third Party. The independent third party will review the Department improvement credit valuation and alternate valuations provided by the applicants. Following this review, the independent third party will select from among the Department valuation and alternate valuations, the one value that (s)he determines is the most accurate value of the improvements. The independent third party will notify the Department of this value in writing.
06.Notification of Final Improvement Value. Within five (5) days of receiving the independent third party's final determination of improvement credit value, the Department will mail to each applicant an auction notice that will reference the independent third party's determined value of improvements. The determination by the independent third party of the improvement value will be deemed final, and the appraised value of improvements will not be allowed as a basis for appeal of the auction.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 18, 2022