Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Prior Written Approval. The lessee must secure the written approval of the Department prior to constructing any improvements or buildings, or clearing any state endowment trust land. Failure to secure such approval eliminates any right to an improvement credit and may, at the Department's discretion, be deemed a material breach of the lease and cause for cancellation. Any arrangement for cost sharing or improvement crediting will be identified in the improvement permit. Routine farming practices identified in a farm plan will not require prior approval.
02.Maintenance. All authorized improvements must be maintained in functional condition by the lessee. The lessee may be required to remove or reconstruct improvements in poor or non-serviceable condition. Existing maintenance agreements on lands acquired from the federal government remain in effect until amended by the parties involved. If maintenance is not being accomplished, the Department will provide a certified letter to the lessee informing the lessee of the rule violation. If work is not begun within thirty (30) days, the Department may contract repairs and add the amount to the annual rental.
03.Bond. The Department may require the lessee to furnish a bond prior to constructing improvements as deemed necessary to protect endowment assets or to ensure performance under the lease.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 18, 2022