Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Return of Application. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of a reclamation plan or permanent closure plan by the Department, an application may be returned for correction and resubmission if either the reclamation plan or permanent closure plan are incomplete. Return of an application by the director shall constitute a rejection in accordance with Section 47-1507(b), Idaho Code.
02.Agency Notification and Comments.
a. Nonconfidential materials submitted under Sections 069, 070, and 071 will be forwarded by the director to the Idaho Departments of Water Resources, Environmental Quality, and Fish and Game for review and comment. The director may decide not to circulate applications submitted under Section 069 if the director determines the impacts of the proposed activities are minor and do not involve surface or ground waters. The director may provide public notice on receipt of a reclamation plan or permanent closure plan. In addition, nonconfidential contents of an application will be provided to individuals who request the information in writing, as required by the Idaho Public Records Act.
b. Upon receipt of a complete application for a reclamation plan or a permanent closure plan, the director shall provide notice to the cities and counties where the mining or cyanidation facility operation is proposed, in accordance with Section 47-1505(7), Idaho Code. The notice shall include the name and address of the operator, the procedure and schedule for the Department's review, and an invitation to review nonconfidential portions of the application, if requested in writing. Such notice will be provided upon receipt of a reclamation plan, a permanent closure plan, or any amended plan for an existing operation, or an amended cost estimate to complete permanent closure of a cyanidation facility, if required under the chapter and these rules..
03.Decision on Reclamation Plans. The director shall review a new reclamation plan or an amended reclamation plan pursuant to Sections 47-1507 and 47-1508, Idaho Code.
a. Approval.
i. Within sixty (60) days of receipt of an application that complies with Subsections 069 and 070 of these rules, the Department shall provide written notice to the applicant that the reclamation plan or any amendment(s) to an approved reclamation plan is approved or denied and, if approved, the amount of the financial assurance required; or
ii. If the director does not take action within sixty (60) days, a reclamation plan or any amendments thereof is deemed to comply with the chapter, unless the sixty (60) day time period is extended pursuant to Section 47-1507(c), Idaho Code.
iii. The operator and director may agree, in writing, to implement additional actions with respect to reclamation that extend beyond the requirements set forth in these rules.
b. Inspections. The director may determine that an inspection of the proposed mining site location is necessary if the inspection will provide additional information or otherwise aid in processing of the application.
i. If the director decides to perform an inspection, the applicant will be contacted and asked that he or an authorized employee or agent be present. This rule shall not prevent the Department from making an inspection of the site if the applicant does not appear.
ii. If weather conditions preclude an inspection of a proposed mining operation, the director shall provide written notice to the applicant that review of the reclamation plan or an amended reclamation plan has been suspended until weather conditions permit an inspection, and that the schedule for a decision will be extended for up to thirty (30) days after weather conditions permit such inspection in accordance with Section 47-1507(c), Idaho Code.
04.Decision on Cyanidation Facility Permanent Closure Plans. Pursuant to Sections 47-1507 and 47-1508, Idaho Code, following review of a complete application, the director shall:
a. Coordination with DEQ. Initiate a coordinated interagency review of the application by providing a notice in writing to the DEQ director that the Department has received an application for permanent closure of a cyanidation facility;
b. Approval.
i. Within one-hundred eighty (180) days of receipt of an application that complies with Subsection 071.04 of these rules, the Department shall provide written notice to the applicant that the permanent closure plan is approved or denied and, if approved, the amount of the permanent closure financial assurance required; or
ii. If the director does not take action within one-hundred eighty (180) days, a permanent closure plan, or any amendments thereof, is deemed to comply with the provisions of the chapter, unless the one hundred eighty (180) day time period is extended in accordance with Section 47-1507(c), Idaho Code.
c. Inspections. The director may determine that it is necessary to inspect the proposed cyanidation facility location if the inspection will provide additional information or otherwise aid in processing of the application.
i. If the director determines to inspect the site, the applicant will be contacted and asked that he or an authorized employee or agent be present. The Department may proceed with an inspection if the applicant or his designated employee or agent does not appear.
ii. If weather conditions preclude an inspection of the proposed cyanidation facility, the director shall provide written notice to the applicant that processing of the application has been suspended until weather conditions permit an inspection, and that the schedule for a decision is extended for up to thirty (30) days after weather conditions permit such inspection in accordance with Section 47-1507(c), Idaho Code.
05.Permanent Closure Plan Approval.
a. The Department may condition its approval on issuance of a permit by the DEQ for the cyanidation facility.
b. Except for the concurrent and additional permanent closure requirements that may be established in a permit issued by the DEQ pursuant to Section 39-118A, Idaho Code and IDAPA 58.01.13, "Rules for Ore Processing by Cyanidation," an approved permanent closure plan shall define the nature and extent of the operator's obligation under the chapter.
c. The permanent closure plan, as approved by the Department in coordination with the DEQ, will be incorporated by reference into the cyanidation facility permit issued by DEQ as a permit condition and will be enforceable as such. The operator shall ensure that closure complies with the approved permanent closure plan and any additional permanent closure requirements as outlined in the permit issued by DEQ.
d. No sooner than one hundred and twenty (120) days after an application for a permanent closure plan has been submitted to the Department, the applicant may submit a reclamation plan as required by Section 070 of these rules. The Department will review and approve the reclamation plan in accordance with Subsection 080 of these rules.
e. Approval of a permanent closure plan by the Department is required even if approval of such plan has been or will be obtained from an appropriate federal agency.
06.Denial of an Application. If the director rejects an application, the director shall deliver in writing to the applicant a statement of the reasons the application has been rejected, the factual findings upon which the rejection is based, a statement of the applicable statute(s) and rule(s), the manner in which the application failed to fulfill the requirements of these rules, and the action that must be taken or conditions that must be satisfied to meet the requirements of the chapter and these rules. The applicant may submit an amended application in accordance with Sections 069, 070 or 071 of these rules for review and, if appropriate, approval by the Department. The director shall deny a reclamation plan, permanent closure plan, or any amendments thereof if:
a. The application is inaccurate or incomplete;
b. The cyanidation facility as proposed cannot be conditioned for construction, operation, and closure to protect public safety, health, and welfare, in accordance with the scope and intent of these rules, or to protect beneficial uses of the waters of the state, as determined by the DEQ pursuant to Section 39-118A, Idaho Code and IDAPA 58.01.13, "Rules for Ore Processing by Cyanidation" and other DEQ rules cited therein.
07.Public Hearing. The director may call a public hearing to determine whether a proposed application complies with the chapter and these rules. A hearing will be conducted in accordance with Section 110 of these rules.
08.Referral to Board. The director may refer the decision concerning an application to the Board. This action will not extend the time period for a decision to approve or deny an application.
09.Appeal of Final Order. Any final order of the Board regarding an application for a mining reclamation plan or for permanent closure of a cyanidation facility may be appealed as set forth in Section 47-1514, Idaho Code.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 18, 2022