Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Base Application Fees. The following base fee schedule will be used for all reclamation plans and permanent closure plans and amendments to those plans. For plans processed under Section 069 of these rules, this base fee covers up to twenty (20) hours of staff time for review and processing. For plans processed under Section 070 of these rules, the applicant may instead enter an agreement with the Department as described in Subsection 068.03 of these rules. The applicable acreage is based on the proposed reclamation plan area identified in the application:

Type of Plan

Fee (Dollars)

Section 069 of these rules, Reclamation Plan 0 to 5 acres

Five hundred ($500)

Section 069 of these rules, Reclamation Plan >5 to 40 acres

Six hundred ($600)

Section 069 of these rules, Reclamation Plan over 40 acres

Seven hundred fifty ($750)

Section 070 of these rules, Reclamation Plan 0 to 100 acres

One thousand ($1,000)

Section 070 of these rules, Reclamation Plan >100 to 1,000 acres

One thousand five hundred ($1,500)

Section 070 of these rules, Reclamation Plan >1,000 acres

Two thousand ($2,000)

Section 071 of these rules, Permanent Closure Plan

Five thousand ($5,000)

02.Additional Fees for Applications Submitted Under Section 069. Plans processed under Section 069 of these rules that require more than twenty (20) hours of staff time due to an incomplete application will result in additional fees being charged. After a revised application has been received and determined to be complete with the exception of the fee, IDL will send an invoice to the operator at a rate of forty dollars per hour ($40/hour) for the additional review time over the initial twenty (20) hours. If this additional fee is not paid prior to the sixty (60) day approval deadline, the application will be denied. If the additional fee is paid within 30 days of the denial, the application will be considered complete and the time requirements of Subsection 080.03 will apply.
03.Alternative Fee Agreement for Applications Submitted Under Section 070. In lieu of paying a fee at the time the application is submitted, an applicant under Section 070 of these rules may enter into an agreement with the Department for actual costs incurred to process an application, verify a reclamation cost estimate submitted under Idaho Code § 47-1512(c), and issue a final decision. The applicant shall not commence operations until the terms of the agreement have been met, including that the Department has been reimbursed for all actual costs incurred for the permitting process.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 18, 2022