Section - PROCEDURES FOR REVIEW AND DECISION UPON AN APPLICATION01.Public Hearings. For the purpose of determining whether a proposed application complies with these rules, the Director may call for a public hearing, as described in Section 030.02.Adverse Weather. If weather conditions prevent the Department from inspecting the proposed mining site to acquire the information required to evaluate the application, the application may be placed in suspense, pending improved weather conditions. The applicant will be notified in writing of this action.03.Interagency Comment. Nonconfidential materials submitted under Section 021 will be forwarded by the Department to the Departments of Water Resources, Environmental Quality, and Fish and Game for review and comment. If operations are to be located on federal lands, the Department will notify the U. S. Bureau of Land Management or the U.S. Forest Service. The Director may provide public notice on receipt of a reclamation plan. In addition, a copy of an application will be provided to individuals who request the information in writing, subject to Title 74, Chapter 1, Idaho Code.04.Stream Channel Alteration Permits. No permit will be issued proposing to alter, occupy or to dredge any stream or watercourse without notification to the Department of Water Resources of the pending application. The Department of Water Resources will respond to said notification within twenty (20) days. If a stream channel alteration permit is required, it must be issued prior to issuance of the placer and dredge permit.05.Water Clarification. No permit will be issued until the Department is satisfied that the methods of water clarification proposed by the applicant are of sound engineering design and capable of meeting the water quality standards established under Title 39, Chapters 1 and 36, Idaho Code, and IDAPA 58.01.02, "Water Quality Standards."06.Permit Conditions. If an application fails to meet the requirements of these rules, the Department may include permit conditions that bring the application into compliance with these rules.07.Decision on Application. Following the Department's review of an application for a new or amended permit and an opportunity for the applicant to correct any deficiencies, the Board will approve or disapprove the application and the Director will notify the applicant of the Board's decision by mail.08.Permit Offering. Upon approval by the Board, the applicant will be sent the permit for their signature and submittal of the reclamation bond and first year's inspection fees. If the signed permit, fee, and bond are not received by the Department within twelve (12) months of Board action, the approval will be automatically rescinded. Upon receipt of the signed permit, fee, and bond, the Department will complete the permit with the required state signatures and send the fully executed permit to the permittee.09.Permit Denial Authority. The Board has the power to deny any application for a permit on state lands, streams, or riverbeds, or on any unpatented mining claims, pursuant to Section 47-1317(j), Idaho Code.10.Amended Applications. If the Board disapproves the application, the applicant will be informed of the rules that have not been complied with, the manner in which they have not been complied with, and the requirements necessary to correct the deficiencies. The applicant may then submit an amended application and application fee, which will be processed as described in Section 022 of these rules.11.Reclamation Obligations. The permit issued by the Board governs and determines the nature and extent of the reclamation obligations of the Permittee.Idaho Admin. Code r.