Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Multiple Plans of Insurance. If a creditor makes available to the debtors more than one (1) plan of credit life insurance or more than one (1) of credit disability insurance, all debtors are to be informed of all such plans for which they are eligible.
02.Substitution. When a creditor requires credit life insurance, credit disability insurance, or both, as additional security for an indebtedness, the debtor will be given the option of furnishing the amount of insurance through existing policies of insurance owned or controlled by the debtor or by procuring and furnishing the coverage through any insurer authorized to transact insurance business in this state. If this subsection is applicable, the debtor will be informed by the creditor of the right to provide alternative coverage before the transaction is completed.
03.Termination of Group Credit Insurance Policy.
a. If a debtor is covered by a group credit insurance policy providing for the payment of single premiums to the insurer, then provision will be made by the insurer that in the event of termination of the policy for any reason, insurance coverage with respect to any debtor insured under such policy is to be continued for the entire period for which the single premium has been paid.
b. If a debtor is covered by a group credit insurance policy providing for the payment of premiums to the insurer on a monthly outstanding balance basis, then the policy will provide that, in the event of termination of such policy for whatever reason, termination notice will be given to the insured debtor at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of termination except where replacement of the coverage by the same or another insurer in the same or greater amount takes place without lapse of coverage. The requisite notice is given by the insurer or, at the option of the insurer, by the creditor.
04.Interest on Premiums. If any direct or indirect finance, carrying, credit or service charge is made to the debtor on such insurance charges or premiums, the creditor will remit and the insurer will collect such premium within sixty (60) days after it is added to the indebtedness.
05.Renewal or Refinancing of the Indebtedness. If the indebtedness is discharged due to renewal or refinancing prior to the scheduled maturity date, the insurance in force will be terminated before any new insurance may be issued in connection with the renewed or refinanced indebtedness. In all cases of such termination prior to scheduled maturity, a refund is to be paid or credited to the debtor as provided in Section 017. In any renewal or refinancing of the indebtedness, the effective date of the coverage as respects any policy provision is deemed to be the first date on which the debtor became insured under the policy covering the indebtedness which was renewed or refinanced, at least to the extent of the amount and term of the indebtedness outstanding at the time of renewal and refinancing of the debt. In addition, the policy will provide that, in the event the debtor becomes disabled while insured, credit disability insurance benefits will be payable during continued disability regardless of any termination of the insurance by renewal or refinancing, unless a different provision not less favorable to the debtor is approved by the Director.
06.Maximum Aggregate Provisions. A provision in a policy or certificate that sets a maximum limit on total payments applies only to that policy or certificate except as may be provided for in Section 41-2005(4), Idaho Code.
07.Involuntary Prepayment of Indebtedness. If an indebtedness is prepaid by the proceeds of a credit life insurance policy covering the debtor or by a lump sum payment of a disability claim under a credit insurance policy covering the debtor, then it is the responsibility of the insurer to see that the following are paid to the insured debtor, if living, or the beneficiary, other than the creditor, named by the debtor or to the debtor's estate:
a. In the case of prepayment by the proceeds of a credit life insurance policy, or by the proceeds of a lump sum total and permanent disability benefit under credit life coverage, an appropriate refund of the credit disability insurance premium in accordance with Section 017;
b. In the case of prepayment by a lump sum disability claim, an appropriate refund of the credit life insurance premium in accordance with Section 017;
c. In either case, the amount of the benefits in excess of the amount needed to repay the indebtedness after crediting any unearned interest or finance charges.
08.Amounts to be Insured. If benefits to be provided are less than the scheduled amount of indebtedness, the insurer will notify the insured of such benefit in the policy or certificate.
09.Total Disability. The policy is not to restrict coverage to those periods of total disability when the debtor is under the regular and continuing care of a physician, osteopath or chiropractor; provided, the insurer may retain the right to request medical evidence of actual total disability at reasonable intervals to justify the commencement and continued payment of benefits.
10.Permanent Disabilities. Credit disability insurance will not restrict coverage to permanent disabilities, where the debtor is in fact totally disabled for the period dictated by the policy, although such disability may be of a temporary nature.
11.Statement by Debtor. No statement made by a debtor will be used by the insurer as a basis for denying eligibility for coverage unless such statement is contained in a written application for insurance signed by the debtor.
12.Acceptable Insurance Constituting Waiver. Acceptance of insurance by the insurer will constitute a waiver of any conditions for issuance of insurance that the debtor's application revealed as breached on the date the application was made, unless a refund of all insurance charges to the debtor is actually made within thirty (30) days of the effective date of coverage.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022