An organization caring for a child eight (8) years and under, or a child who is physically or developmentally vulnerable, whose property adjoins an irrigation canal, river, pond, or similar body of water must have fencing that prevents access to the body of water by the child.
01.Staff Training. The facility must maintain at least one (1) staff who has a valid lifesaving, swift water rescue, or lifeguard certificate issued by a nationally recognized organization for the type of water adjacent to or on the property, and this person must be on duty when any children are using the water for any purpose.02.Use of Rescue Equipment. All staff must be trained on the location and use of the water rescue equipment.03.Safety Equipment. Appropriate water rescue equipment must be maintained in an accessible area.04.Fencing for Child Eight (8) Years and Under. The fence must be at least four (4) feet high with no vertical opening more than four (4) inches wide, and designed so that a young child cannot climb or squeeze under or through the fence.Idaho Admin. Code r.