Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

When an agency is providing center-based services they must meet the following:

01.Accessibility. Agencies designated under these rules must be responsive to the needs of individuals receiving services and accessible to individuals with disabilities as defined in Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act, the ADA, and the uniform federal accessibility standard. The DDA must submit a completed checklist to the Department with the application for certification to verify compliance with the ADA requirements.
02.Environment. The facilities of the agency must be designed and equipped to meet the needs of each participant including factors such as sufficient space, equipment, lighting, and noise control.
03.Fire and Safety Standards. Center-based locations must:
a. Meet all local and state codes concerning fire and life safety that are applicable to a DDA through annual inspection by the local fire authority or Idaho State Fire Marshal's office as required by local, city, or county ordinances, documented with inspection results and corrective actions taken on violations cited;
b. Provide suitable fences, guards, or railings to protect participants on the premises where natural or man-made hazards are present;
c. Remove the accumulation of weeds, trash, and rubbish;
d. Limit and use of portable heating devices that have heating elements to not more than two hundred twelve degrees Fahrenheit (212°F), certified by Underwriters Laboratories, and approved by the local fire or building authority;
e. Properly label and store all hazardous or toxic substances under lock and key;
f. Maintain water temperatures in areas accessed by participants at one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit (120°F) or below; and
g. Have a telephone available on the premises with emergency numbers near the telephone for use in the event of an emergency.
04.Evacuation Plans. Evacuation plans must be posted throughout the center and indicate point of orientation, location of all fire extinguishers, location of all fire exits, and designated meeting area outside of the building.
05.Fire Drills. The DDA must conduct and document quarterly fire drills. and meet the following:
a. At least two (2) times each year these fire drills will include complete evacuation of the building; and
b. A brief summary of each fire drill conducted, written, and maintained on file indicating the date, time, and duration the drill occurred, participants and personnel participating, problems encountered, and corrective action(s) taken.
06.Food Safety and Storage.
a. When the agency provides food service for participants and meets the definition of a "food establishment," in Section 39-1602, Idaho Code, the agency must comply with IDAPA 16.02.19, "Idaho Food Code." Compliance is verified through inspection by the local District Health Department.
b. Refrigerators and freezers used to store participant foods will be maintained at or below forty-one degrees Fahrenheit (41°F), and ten degrees Fahrenheit (10°F) respectively, and in good repair.
c. When medicines requiring refrigeration are stored in a food refrigerator, medicines must be stored in a package and kept inside a covered, leak-proof container that is clearly identified as a container for the storage of medicines.
07.Housekeeping and Maintenance Services. The agency must meet the following:
a. Maintain the interior and exterior of the center be maintained in a clean, safe, and orderly manner and kept in good repair;
b. Not use deodorizers to cover odors caused by poor housekeeping or unsanitary conditions;
c. Ensure the agency is free from infestations of insects, rodents, and other pests; and
d. Maintain the temperature and humidity of the agency within a normal comfort range by heating, air conditioning, or other means.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 17, 2022