Beginning October 1, 1996, this cost area includes all allowable costs except those specifically identified as property costs in Section 623 of these rules and exempt costs or excluded costs in Section 627 or 628 of these rules. This Section defines items and procedures to be followed in determining allowable and exempt costs and provides the procedures for extracting cost data from historical cost reports, applying a cost forecasting market basket to project cost forward, procedures to be followed to project costs forward, and procedures for computing the median of the range of costs and the ICF/IID cap.
01.Costs Subject to the Cap. Items subject to the cap include all allowable costs except property costs identified in Section 623 of these rules and exempt costs or excluded costs identified in Section 627 or 628 of these rules. Property costs related to a home office are administrative costs, will not be reported as property costs, and are subject to the cap.02.Per Diem Costs. Costs to be included in this category will be divided by the total participant days for the facility for the cost reporting period to arrive at allowable per diem costs. If costs for services provided some or all non-Medicaid residents are not included in the total costs submitted, the provider must determine the costs and combine them with the submitted costs in order that a total per diem cost for that facility can be determined both for both the purposes of determining the ICF/IID cap and of computing final reimbursement.03.Cost Data to Determine the Cap. Cost data to be used to determine the cap for ICF/IID facilities will be taken from each provider's most recent final cost report available sixty (60) days before the beginning of the period for which the cap is being set. Cost reports are final when the final audit report is issued, or earlier if the Department informs the facility the report is final for rate setting purposes. The selected final cost report will be used to establish the facility's prospective reimbursement rate. However, the final cost reports covering a period of less than twelve (12) months will be included in the data for determining the cap at the option of the Department.04.Projection. Per diem allowable costs will be inflated forward using a cost forecasting market basket and forecasting indices according to the same table as used for free standing facilities.a. The projection method used in Section 624 of these rules to set the cap will also be used to set non property portions of the prospective rate that are not subject to the cap.b. Forecasting indices as developed by Data Resources, Incorporated, will be used unless they are unavailable. In such case, indices supplied by some other nationally recognized forecaster will be used.05.Costs That Can be Paid Directly by the Department to Non ICF/IID Providers. Costs that can be paid directly by the Department to non ICF/IID providers are excluded from the ICF/IID prospective rates and ICF/IID cap: a. Direct physician care costs. Physicians who provide these services must bill the Medicaid program directly using their own provider numbers.b. Costs of services covered under the Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) portion of the Medicaid Program. Items such as eyeglasses and hearing aids are covered under IDAPA 16.03.09, "Medicaid Basic Plan Benefits." The cost of these services is not included as a part of ICF/IID costs. Reimbursement can be made to a professional providing these services through their billing the Medicaid Program on their own provider number.c. Costs of services covered by other parts of the Medicaid Program. Examples of these items include legend drugs and ambulance transportation. These items must be billed to the Medicaid Program directly by the provider using their own provider number.06.Cost Projection. Allowable per diem costs will be projected forward from the midpoint of the Base Period to the midpoint of the Target Period. "Base Period" is defined as the last available final cost report period. "Target Period" is defined as the effective period of the prospective rate. Procedures for inflating these costs are as follows:a. The percentage change for each cost category in the market basket will be computed from the beginning to the end of the Base Period. These percentages will then be divided by two (2) and the resultant percentages will be used to project forward allowable per diem costs for each cost category from the midpoint to the end of the Base Period.b. The percentage change for each cost category in the market basket will be computed for the period from the end of the Base Period to the beginning of the Target Period. These percentages will then be used to project forward the allowable per diem costs for each cost category, as determined in Subsection 624.06.a. of these rules, from the end of the Base Period to the beginning of the Target Period.c. The percentage change for each cost category in the market basket will be computed for the beginning to the end of the Target Period. These percentages will then be divided by two (2) and the resultant percentages will be used to project forward the allowable per diem costs as determined in Subsection 624.06.b. of these rules from the beginning to the midpoint of the Target Period.07.Cost Ranking. Prior to October 1st of each year the Director will determine the that percent above the median that will assure aggregate payments to ICF/IID providers will approximate but not exceed amounts that would be incurred using Medicare cost principles of reimbursement. That percentage will apply to caps and rates set after September 30th of each year. Projected per diem costs as determined in this section and subject to the cap will be ranked from the highest to the lowest. The cap will be set at a percent of the bed-weighted median for each rate period. The initial cap will be set as of October 1, 1996. a. The median of the range will be computed based on the available data points being considered as the total population of data points.b. The cap for each ICF/IID facility with a fiscal year beginning October 1, 1996, will be computed prior to the beginning of that year. For those facilities with a fiscal year ending on a date other than September 30th, the first cap will be computed for the period beginning October 1, 1996, and ending on the fiscal year end date.c. Facilities with cost reports that transcend the period from October 1, 1996, through September 30, 1997, will be retrospectively settled using the previous reimbursement system for the period of the report up to September 30, 1996. There will not be a retrospective settlement on the portion of these cost reports attributed to October 1, 1996 through the end of the cost report period unless provisions of Section 626 of these rules apply.d. Cost reports for periods beginning on or after October 1, 1996, will not be subject to retrospective settlement except as required by other provisions of this chapter.e. A new cap and rate will be set on an annual basis for each facility the first of July every year.f. The cap and prospective rate will be determined and set on an annual basis for each facility July first of every year and will not be changed by any subsequent events or information with the exception that if the computations were found to contain mathematical or clerical errors, these errors will be corrected and the cap will be adjusted using the corrected figures.g. Payment of costs subject to the cap will be limited to the cap unless the Department determines the exclusions found in Section 628 of these rules apply.h. A facility that commences to offer participant care services as an ICF/IID on or after October 1, 1996, will be subject to retrospective settlement until the first prospective rate is set. Such facility will be subject to the ICF/IID cap as determined in this chapter. The first prospective rate for this provider will be set by the Department based on quarterly cost statements and final cost reports submitted for periods following the first three (3) months of operation. This first prospective rate may be set after the beginning of the second fiscal year of the provider. For the second year the provider will be paid a rate to be settled retrospectively unless both the Department and the provider agree to a prospective rate or rates covering that fiscal period.Idaho Admin. Code r.