Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Eligibility Determination. Prior to the delivery of developmental therapy, the person must be determined by the Department or its contractor to be eligible as defined under Section 66-402, Idaho Code, be eighteen (18) years of age or older, and live in the community.
02.Intake. Individuals using the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver for the Aged and Disabled (A&D) or State Plan Personal Care Services and only requesting DDA services, have the option to access services through an Individual Program Plan. Individuals who select this option are not required to have a developmental disability plan developer. Services delivered through an Individual Program Plan must be authorized by the Department or its contractor and be based on the Aged and Disabled written Individual Service Plan as defined in Section 328 of these rules. Prior to the delivery of developmental therapy, a DDA must complete an Individual Program Plan (IPP) that meets the standards described below.
03.Individual Program Plan (IPP) Definitions. The delivery of developmental therapy on a written plan of care must be defined in terms of the type, amount, frequency, and duration of the service.
a. Type of service refers to the kind of service described in terms of:
i. Group, individual, or family; and
ii. Whether the service is home, community, or center-based.
b. Amount of service is the total number of service hours during a specified period of time. This is typically indicated in hours per week.
c. Frequency of service is the number of times service is offered during a week or month.
d. Duration of service is the length of time. This is typically the length of the plan year. For ongoing services, the duration is one (1) year; services that end prior to the end of the plan year must have a specified end date.
04.Individual Program Plan (IPP).
a. The IPP must be developed following obtainment or completion of all applicable assessments consistent with the requirements of this chapter.
b. The planning process must include the participant, their legal guardian if one exists, and others the participant or their legal guardian chooses. The participant and their legal guardian if one exists must sign the IPP indicating they directed the person-centered planning process. The participant and their legal guardian if one exists must be provided a copy of the completed IPP by the DDA. A physician or other practitioner of the healing arts, the participant, and their legal guardian if one exists, must sign the IPP prior to initiation of any services identified within the plan.
c. The planning process must occur at least annually, or more often if necessary, to review and update the plan to reflect any changes in the needs or status of the participant. Revisions to the IPP requiring a change in type, amount, or duration of the service provided must be recommended by the physician or other practitioner of the healing arts prior to implementation of the change. Such recommendations require written authorization by the participant, their legal guardian if one exists, and must be maintained in the participant's file.
d. The IPP must be supported by the documentation required in the participant's record in accordance with IDAPA 16.03.21, "Developmental Disabilities Agencies (DDA)" record requirements.
e. The IPP must promote self-sufficiency, the participant's choice in program objectives and activities, encourage the participant's participation and inclusion in the community, and contain objectives that are age-appropriate. The IPP must include:
i. The participant's name and medical diagnosis;
ii. The name of the assigned Developmental Specialist, the date of the planning meeting, and the names and titles of those present at the meeting;
iii. The dated signature of the physician or other practitioner of the healing arts indicating their recommendation of the services on the plan;
iv. The type, amount, frequency, and duration of therapy to be provided. For developmental therapy, the total hours of services provided cannot exceed the amount recommended on the plan. The amount and frequency of the type of therapy must not deviate from the IPP more than twenty percent (20%) over a period of a four (4) weeks, unless there is documentation of a participant-based reason;
v. A list of the participant's current personal goals and desired outcomes, interests, and choices;
vi. An accurate, current, and relevant list of the participant's specific developmental and behavioral strengths and needs. The list will identify which needs are priority based on the participant's choices and preferences. An IPP objective must be developed for each priority need;
vii. A list of measurable behaviorally stated objectives that correspond to the list of priority needs. A Program Implementation Plan must be developed for each objective;
viii. The Developmental Specialist responsible for each objective;
ix. The target date for completion of each objective;
x. The review date; and
xi. A transition plan. The transition plan is designed to facilitate the participant's independence, personal goals, and interests. The transition plan must specify criteria for participant transition into less restrictive, more integrated settings. These settings may include community-based organizations and activities, vocational training, supported or independent employment, volunteer opportunities, or other less restrictive settings. The implementation of some components of the plan may necessitate decreased hours of service or discontinuation of services from a DDA.
05.Documentation of Plan Changes. Documentation of required Program Implementation Plan changes must be included in the participant's record. This documentation must include, at a minimum:
a. The reason for the change;
b. Documentation of coordination with other services providers, where applicable;
c. The date the change was made; and
d. The signature of the professional making the change complete with date, credential, and title. Changes to the IPP require documented notification of the participant and their legal guardian if one exists. Changes in type, amount, or duration of services must be recommended by a physician or other practitioner of the healing arts. Such recommendations require written authorization by the participant and their legal guardian if one exists prior to the change. If the signatures of the participant or their legal guardian cannot be obtained, then the agency must document in the participant's record the reason the signatures were not obtained.
06.Home and Community-Based Person-Centered Planning. Individual Program Plans completed by a DDA must meet the person-centered planning requirements described in Sections 316 and 317 of these rules and must be included in the participant's individual service plan as described in Section 328 of these rules.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 17, 2022