Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

For a participant with no community spouse, patient liability is computed as described below.

01.Income of Participants in Long-Term Care. For a single participant, or participant whose spouse is also in long-term care and chooses the SSI method of calculating the amount of income and resources, the patient liability is their total income less the deductions in Subsection 723.03 of this rule.
02.Community Property Income of Long-Term Care Participant with Long-Term Care Spouse. Patient liability income for a participant, whose spouse is also in long-term care, choosing the community property method, is one-half (1/2) their share of the couple's community income, plus their own separate income. The deductions under Subsection 723.03 of this rule are subtracted from their income.
03.Income of Participant in Facility. A participant residing in the long-term care facility at least one (1) full calendar month, beginning with their most recent admission, must have the deductions in below subtracted from their income, after the AABD exclusions are subtracted from the income. Total monthly income includes income paid into an income (Miller) trust that month. The income deductions must be subtracted in the order listed. Remaining income is patient liability.
a. AABD Income Exclusions. Income excluded in determining eligibility for AABD cash is subtracted.
b. Aid and Attendance and UME Allowances. VA Aid and Attendance allowance and Unusual Medical Expense (UME) allowance for a veteran or surviving spouse is subtracted, unless the veteran lives in a state operated veterans' home.
c. SSI Payment Two (2) Months. The SSI payment for a participant entitled to receive SSI at their at-home rate for up to two (2) months is subtracted, while temporarily in a long-term care facility.
d. AABD Payment. The AABD payment, and income used to compute the AABD payment, for a participant paid continued AABD payments up to three (3) months in long-term care is subtracted.
e. First Ninety ($90) Dollars of VA Pension. The first ninety ($90) dollars of a VA pension for a veteran in a private long-term care facility or a State Veterans Nursing Home is subtracted.
f. Personal Needs. Forty dollars ($40) is subtracted for the participant's personal needs. For a veteran or surviving spouse in a private long-term care facility or a State Veterans Nursing Home the first ninety ($90) dollars of VA pension substitutes for the forty dollar ($40) personal needs deduction.
g. Employed and Sheltered Workshop Activity Personal Needs. For an employed participant or participant engaged in sheltered workshop or work activity center activities, the lower of the personal needs deduction of two hundred dollars ($200) or their gross earned income is subtracted. The participant's total personal needs allowance must not exceed two hundred and thirty dollars ($230). For a veteran or surviving spouse with sheltered workshop or earned income, and a protected VA pension, the total must not exceed two hundred dollars ($200). This is a deduction only. No actual payment can be made to provide for personal needs.
h. Home Maintenance. Two hundred and twelve dollars ($212) is subtracted for home maintenance cost if the participant had an independent living situation, before their admission for long-term care. Their physician must certify in writing the participant is likely to return home within six (6) months, after the month of admission to a long-term care facility. This is a deduction only. No actual payment can be made to maintain the participant's home.
i. Maintenance Need. A maintenance need deduction for a family member living in the long-term care participant's home is subtracted. A family member is claimed, or could be claimed, as a dependent on the Federal Income Tax return of the long-term care participant. The family member must be a minor or dependent child, dependent parent, or dependent sibling of the long-term care participant. The maintenance need deduction is the AFDC payment standard for the dependents, computed according to the AFDC State Plan in effect before July 16, 1996.
j. Medicare and Health Insurance Premiums. Expenses for Medicare and other health insurance premiums, and deductibles or coinsurance charges are subtracted, and not subject to payment by a third party. Deduction of Medicare Part B premiums is limited to the first two (2) months of Medicaid eligibility. Medicare Part B premiums must not be subtracted, if the participant got SSI or AABD cash the month prior to the month for which patient liability is being computed.
k. Mandatory Income Taxes. Taxes mandatorily withheld from unearned income for income tax purposes are subtracted. To qualify for deduction of mandatory taxes, the tax must be withheld from income before the participant receives the income.
l. Guardian Fees. Court-ordered guardianship fees of the lesser of ten percent (10%) of the monthly benefit handled by the guardian, or twenty-five dollars ($25) are subtracted. Where the guardian and trustee is the same person, the total deduction for guardian and trust fees must not exceed twenty-five dollars ($25) monthly.
m. Trust Fees. Up to twenty-five dollars ($25) monthly paid to the trustee for administering the participant's trust is subtracted.
n. Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWE). IRWEs for an employed participant who is blind or disabled under AABD criteria are subtracted. IRWEs are purchased or rented items and services that are purchased or rented to perform work. The items must be needed because of the participant's impairment. The actual monthly expense of the impairment-related items is subtracted. Expenses must not be averaged.
o. Income Garnished for Child Support. Income garnished for child support to the extent the expense is not already accounted for in computing the maintenance need standard is subtracted.
p. Incurred Medical Expenses. Amounts for certain limited medical or remedial care expenses that have current balances owed and are deemed medically necessary as defined in IDAPA 16.03.09, "Medicaid Basic Plan Benefits," are subtracted. Current medical expenses that are not covered by the Idaho Medicaid Plan, or by a third party, may be deducted from the base participation amount.
q. Pre-existing Medical Expenses. Amounts for medical and remedial care expenses incurred within the three (3) months prior to the month of application are subtracted. The deductions for medical and remedial care expenses are limited to those medically necessary expenses incurred by the participant for the participant's care. These deductions are limited to the amount of liability owed by the participant, and if applicable, after any third-party insurance has been applied. The deduction for medical and remedial care expenses that were incurred as the result of imposition of a transfer of assets penalty period is limited to zero.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective July 1, 2024