A participant living in a RALF under IDAPA 16.03.22, "Residential Assisted Living Facilities," or a CFH, under IDAPA 16.03.19, "Certified Family Homes," is budgeted a basic allowance of ninety-six dollars ($96) monthly. Beginning July 1, 2013, this basic allowance will be adjusted annually by the percentage of the annual cost-of-living increase in the federal SSI benefit rate for a single person. This adjustment will be effective on January 1st of each year. The basic allowance increase will be rounded to the nearest dollar.
01.Budgeted Monthly Allowance Based on Level of Care. A participant is budgeted a monthly allowance for care based on the level of care received as described in Section 515 of these rules. If the participant does not require State Plan Personal Care Services (PCS), their eligibility and allowances are based on the Room and Board rate in Section 512 of these rules.02.Care Levels and Monthly Allowances. Beginning January 1, 2006, care levels and monthly allowances are those listed in Table 513.02 below. Beginning July 1, 2013, the RALF and CFH allowances for participants living in a RALF or CFH on State Plan PCS will be adjusted annually by the percentage of the annual cost-of-living increase in the federal SSI benefit rate for a single person. This adjustment will be effective on January 1st of each year. This increase will be rounded to the next dollar. TABLE 513.02 - STATE PLAN PCS CARE LEVELS AND ALLOWANCES AS OF 1-1-06 |
Level of Care | Monthly Allowance |
a. Level I | Eight hundred and thirty-five dollars ($835) |
b. Level II | Nine hundred and two dollars ($902) |
c. Level III | Nine hundred and sixty-nine dollars ($969) |
03.CFH Operated by Relative. A participant living in a CFH operated by their parent, child, or sibling is not entitled to the CFH State Plan PCS allowances. They may receive the allowance for a person living with a relative as described in Section 501 of these rules. A relative for this purpose is the participant's parent, child, sibling, aunt, uncle, cousin, niece, nephew, grandparent, or grandchild by birth, marriage, or adoption.Idaho Admin. Code r.