Current through September 2, 2024
Section - FISHING METHODS AND GEAR01.General Restrictions. Unless modified by rule (such as exceptions in the following subsections), order, or proclamation, it is unlawful to: a. Fish in any waters of Idaho with more than one (1) handline or pole with a line attached, unless in possession of a valid two-pole permit.b. Leave an unattended line.c. Have more than five (5) hooks attached per line.d. Use more than five (5) lines while ice fishing.e. Fish by archery, spearfishing, snagging, hands, trapping, seining, or netting.f. Use live fish, leeches, frogs, salamanders, waterdogs, or shrimp as bait.g. Land any fish with a gaff hook.h. Molest any fish by shooting at it with a firearm or pellet gun, striking at it with a club, hands, rocks, or other objects, building obstructions for catching fish, or chasing fish up or downstream in any manner.i. Fish from a watercraft with a motor attached in waters listed in proclamation as "no motors."j. Use gas (internal combustion) motors on fishing waters listed in proclamation as "electric motors only," although it may be attached to the boat.02.Snagging, Archery, and Spear Fishing Exceptions. The use of snagging, bow and arrow, crossbow, spear or mechanical device, excluding firearms, is permitted for the taking of unprotected fish, provided there is an open season for game fish.03.Gaff Hook Exceptions. The use of a gaff hook is permitted while ice fishing in waters which have no length restrictions or harvest closures for that species, or when landing unprotected fish species taken with archery equipment.04.Trapping and Seining Exceptions. It is lawful to take unprotected fish, crayfish, and yellow perch with a minnow net, seine, or up to five (5) traps, unless there is an open season for game fish, and provided the following conditions are met: a. The seine or net does not exceed ten (10) feet in length or width, and the seine has three-eighths (3/8) inch square or smaller mesh; and the minnow or crayfish trap does not exceed two (2) feet in length, width or height. If the trap is of irregular dimension, but its volume does not exceed the volume of an eight (8) cubic foot trap, it is lawful to use.b. Nets and seines are not left unattended.c. Traps are checked at least every forty-eight (48) hours.d. All game fish and protected nongame fish incidentally captured while trapping or seining are immediately released alive.e. All traps have a tag attached bearing the owner's name and address, license number, or sportsman identification number.05.Use of Bait Exceptions. Live crayfish and bullfrog may be used for bait if caught on the body of water being fished.06.Use of Hands Exceptions. Bullfrog and crayfish may be taken with the hands.07.Fishing Shelters. Any enclosure or shelter left unattended overnight on the ice of any waters of the state shall have the owner's name, telephone numbers, and current address, or sportsman identification number legibly marked on two (2) opposing sides of the enclosure or shelter.Idaho Admin. Code r.