Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

It is a prohibited practice for any covered person in connection with offering or providing services authorized under the Act, to:

01.Fail to Disburse Funds Timely. Fail to disburse funds in a timely manner, in accordance with any commitment or agreement with the borrower, either directly or through a mortgage broker:
a. Either immediately upon closing of the loan in the case of a purchase/sale transaction; or
b. Immediately upon expiration of the three (3) day rescission period in the case of a refinancing, or taking of a junior mortgage on the existing residence of the borrower.
c. For the purposes of this Subsection, the term "immediately" represents a period of time no greater than seventy-two (72) hours.
02.Fail to Provide Reasonable Opportunity for Document Review. Fail to give the borrower, upon the borrower's verbal or written request, a reasonable opportunity of at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to closing to review every document to be signed or acknowledged by the borrower for the purpose of obtaining a residential mortgage loan, and every document that is required pursuant to these rules, and other applicable laws, rules or regulations.
03.Require Excessive Insurance. Require a borrower to obtain or maintain fire insurance or other hazard insurance in an amount that exceeds the replacement value of the improvements to the real estate.
04.Engage in Deceptive Advertising. Engage in any deceptive advertising, including:
a. Engaging in bait and switch advertising or misrepresenting, directly or indirectly, the terms, conditions or charges incident to services authorized under the Act. Bait and switch advertising, for the purposes of these rules, means advertising services without the intent to provide them but, rather, to lure a person into making an application for services and then switch the person from obtaining the advertised services to other or different services on a basis more advantageous to the covered person.
b. Advertising or soliciting in a manner that has the effect of misleading a person to believe that the advertisement or solicitation is from a person's current mortgage holder, a government agency, or that an offer is a limited opportunity, when such is not the case.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective July 1, 2024