Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023
01.Academic Skill Development. All students will be provided the opportunity to develop their academic skills (i.e., reading, language arts and communication, mathematics, science, social studies) and to develop the skills necessary for entering the workforce, including self-management skills (i.e., ability to plan, self-discipline, respect for authority, ongoing skill improvement), individual and teamwork skills (i.e., personal initiative, working with others), thinking/information skills (i.e., reasoning, problem solving, acquiring and using information) and vocational-technical skills based on the standards of the industry as approved by the State Board of Vocational Education. (3-15-22)
02.Other Skill Development. Recognizing that students may or may not be active in the workforce, the State Board believes all students should be provided the opportunity to become contributing community and family members. This instruction includes homemaking skills (i.e., nutrition, child development, resource management); balancing work and family responsibilities; and entrepreneurial skills. (3-15-22)
03.Work-Based Learning Experiences. Work-based learning experiences may be provided as part of the instruction in the school. For students to receive credit, these experiences will include: training plans, training agreements, approved work sites, and supervision by appropriately certificated personnel. If work-based learning experiences are selected, they will be included in the Parent Approved Student Career Pathways Plans. Instruction will be organized to facilitate a successful transition into the workforce and further education. (3-15-22)

Idaho Admin. Code r.