Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Food Service Records. The detention center maintains an accurate record of all meals served to juvenile offenders, including special diets. All menus are planned, dated, and available for review at least one (1) week in advance. Notations are made of any changes in the menu. Menus are retained at least one (1) year after use.
02.Review of Menus. Menus and records of meals served are reviewed on a regular basis at least annually by a licensed dietitian, physician or nutritionist to verify nutritional adequacy or will meet the current guidelines of the National School Lunch Program. The detention center maintains documentation of the dietitian's, physician's or nutritionist's review and verification. Subsequent menus are promptly revised to eliminate any deficiencies noted.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective July 1, 2024