Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023

This rule sets forth procedures to be followed by the Attorney General, deputy attorneys general, staff, and hearing officers if the Attorney General has accepted the hearing officer's preliminary order for discretionary review. (3-31-22)

01.The Attorney General. In considering the hearing officer's preliminary order, the Attorney General may consult with deputy attorneys general assigned to advise or assist the Attorney General and with staff that did not participate in the investigation or prosecution of the contested case. The Attorney General may consult with the hearing officer that heard the contested case and prepared the preliminary order or other hearing officers. (3-31-22)
02.Deputy Attorneys General. (3-31-22)
a. Investigative/Prosecutorial Attorneys. No deputy attorney general involved in the investigation or prosecution of a contested case shall consult with the Attorney General considering the hearing officer's preliminary order. (3-31-22)
b. Advisory Attorneys. A deputy attorney general assigned to advise or assist the Attorney General in consideration of the contested case may consult with the Attorney General in preparation for or while the Attorney General is considering the hearing officer's preliminary order. (3-31-22)
03.Other Staff. (3-31-22)
a. Investigative/Prosecutorial Staff. No staff involved in the investigation or prosecution of the contested case shall consult with the Attorney General in the Attorney's General consideration of the preliminary order. (3-31-22)
b. Advisory Staff. Any staff assigned to advise or assist the Attorney General may consult with the Attorney General at the Attorney General's direction. (3-31-22)
04.Hearing Officers. No hearing officer shall consult with any person other than the Attorney General or another deputy assigned to advise the Attorney General during the Attorney General's consideration of the hearing officer's preliminary order. (3-31-22)

Idaho Admin. Code r.