Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023

This rule sets forth procedures to be followed by the Office of the Attorney General when a consent agreement, stipulated settlement, or other settlement is negotiated before an application for a certificate of public advantage or an complaint for revocation of a certificate is filed. (3-31-22)

01.Negotiations. A deputy attorney general assigned to an investigative/prosecutorial role and other staff may negotiate consent agreements or other settlements. Neither the Attorney General nor a hearing officer may participate in these negotiations, but the Attorney General may have rules or guidelines for issuance of consent agreements or other general policy statements available to guide individual negotiations. (3-31-22)
02.Presentation of Consent Agreement. Consent agreements must be presented to the Office of the Attorney General for approval. The consent agreement may be presented to the Office of the Attorney General by representatives of any party, unless the agreement provides to the contrary. (3-31-22)
03.Consideration of Consent Agreement. A consent agreement that is presented to the Office of the Attorney General must be reviewed under this rule. A hearing officer will be assigned to review the consent agreement. The hearing officer may accept or reject the consent agreement, indicate how the consent agreement must be modified to be acceptable, or inform the parties what further information is required for consideration of the consent agreement. When a consent agreement is rejected, no matter recited in the rejected consent agreement may be used as an admission against a party in any later proceeding before the Attorney General, and any such matter must be proven by evidence independent of the consent agreement. Any acceptance or rejection of the consent agreement shall be done by preliminary order, which may be reviewed by the Attorney General as any other preliminary order. (3-31-22)

Idaho Admin. Code r.