Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023
01.Scope of Rule. This rule provides procedures for considering requests for costs and/or fees (including attorneys' fees) when an agency has authority to award costs and/or fees under other provisions of law. This rule is not a source of authority for awarding costs and/or fees. (3-31-22)
02.Time for Filing for Costs and/or Fees Awarded in Final Order or Preliminary Order. Unless otherwise provided by statute or rule of the agency: (3-31-22)
a. Minimum time for filing. When a final order or a preliminary order of the agency awards costs and/ or fees to a party or to the agency itself, the agency must allow no fewer than fourteen (14) days from the service date of the final order or the preliminary order for the party to whom costs and/or fees were awarded or for the agency to file necessary papers (e.g., a memorandum of costs, affidavits, exhibits, etc.) quantifying and otherwise supporting costs or fees, or both, that will be claimed or a motion to extend the time to file for costs and fees. (3-31-22)
b. Longer time allowed. The final order or preliminary order of the agency may extend the time to file papers for costs and/or fees beyond fourteen (14) days after the service date of the final order or preliminary order. (3-31-22)
c. When time not set forth. If statute, rules of the agency, and the final order or preliminary order of the agency are silent on the time for filing for costs and/or fees the deadline for filing for costs and/or fees and/or for moving for an extension of the time to file for costs and fees is fourteen (14) days from the service date of the final order or preliminary order. (3-31-22)
d. Untimely filing. The agency may exercise its discretion to consider and grant an untimely filing for costs and/or fees for good cause shown. (3-31-22)
e. Contents of filing. No particular form for filing for costs and fees is required, but in the absence of a statute or rule providing for standard costs and/or fees the papers supporting a claim for costs and/or fees should ordinarily contain an affidavit or declaration under oath detailing the costs and/or fees claimed. (3-31-22)
f. Supplemental filings. Paragraphs 741.02.a. through 741.02.e. of this rule do not prohibit a party or the agency from supplementing a filing for costs and/or fees. (3-31-22)
03.Time for Petitioning for Costs and/or Fees When Costs and/or Fees Not Awarded in Final Order or Preliminary Order. Unless otherwise provided by statute: (3-31-22)
a. Petition for reconsideration. When a final order or preliminary order of the agency does not award costs or fees to a party, and a party contends that the party is entitled to an award of costs and/or fees the party must file a petition for reconsideration addressing costs and/or fees within fourteen (14) days of the service date of the final order or preliminary order if the party wishes the agency to award costs and/or fees. (3-31-22)
b. Combination with other issues. The petition for reconsideration on costs and/or fees may be combined with a petition for reconsideration on other issues. (3-31-22)
c. Quantification not necessary. The petition for reconsideration can confine itself to the legal issue of entitlement to costs and/or fees and need not quantity the party's claimed costs and/or fees. However, the petition can be accompanied by papers quantifying the claimed costs and/or fees. (3-31-22)
d. Legal authority. Every petition for reconsideration filed under Subsection 741.03 should cite the source of the agency's legal authority to award costs and/or fees. The agency may (but need not) deny a petition that omits a citation to legal authority to award costs and/or fees. (3-31-22)
04.Oppositions. Unless otherwise provided by statute or rule of the agency, or extended by notice or order or the agency, oppositions to requests for costs and/or fees filed under Subsections 741.02 or 741.03 of this rule or motions to extend the time to oppose requests for costs and/or fees filed under Subsections 741.02 or 741.03 of this rule must be filed and served within fourteen (14) days of the service date of the petition to be timely. The agency may exercise its discretion to consider and grant an untimely opposition for good cause shown. (3-31-22)
05.Orders Granting or Denying Costs and/or Fees. Every agency order granting or denying a request for costs and/or fees must cite the statutes or rules under which it is deciding the request for costs and/or fees. (3-31-22)

Idaho Admin. Code r.