Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023

Interlocutory orders are orders that do not decide all previously undecided issues presented in a proceeding, except the agency may by order decide some of the issues presented in a proceeding and provide in that order that its decision on those issues is final and subject to review by reconsideration or appeal, but is not final on other issues. Unless an order contains or is accompanied by a document containing one of the paragraphs set forth in Rules 720, 730 or 740 or a paragraph substantially similar, the order is interlocutory. The following orders are always interlocutory: orders initiating complaints or investigations; orders joining, consolidating or separating issues, proceedings or parties; orders granting or denying intervention; orders scheduling prehearing conferences, discovery, hearing, oral arguments or deadlines for written submissions; and orders compelling or refusing to compel discovery. Interlocutory orders may be reviewed by the officer issuing the order pursuant to Rules 711, 760, and 770. (3-31-22)

Idaho Admin. Code r.