Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023
01.Mandatory Reporting. It is mandatory for any person including, but not limited to, a grower, processor, shipper, laboratory staff member, field inspector, or shipping point inspector, to immediately report the presence of BRR to the Department when: (3-15-22)
a. The BRR is discovered or observed in seed potato plants or tubers prior to final seed potato certification by ICIA; and (3-15-22)
b. The presence of BRR is confirmed via laboratory testing; and (3-15-22)
c. The positive tubers or plant parts are still in the possession of the original seed grower. (3-15-22)
02.Contents. All reports shall, to the best of the reporter's ability, contain the following information: (3-15-22)
a. The field, facility or other location at which Cms was found; (3-15-22)
b. The date of discovery; (3-15-22)
c. The location at which the suspect potatoes were grown; (3-15-22)
d. The variety and generation of the suspect potatoes; (3-15-22)
e. The laboratory submission report and test results; (3-15-22)
f. The certification tags and origin of the seed potatoes used to produce the suspect crop; (3-15-22)
g. North American Plant Health Certificate. (3-15-22)
03.Methods of Reporting. The report shall be made by phone, in person or in writing (which may include electronic mail sent to (3-15-22)

Idaho Admin. Code r.