Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023

The Administrator may approve feedlot applications after the feedlot has been inspected by state or federal animal health officials and: (3-31-22)

01.Cattle Secured. The feedlot management has demonstrated that cattle of unknown Tuberculosis test status can be secured in the feedlot; and (3-31-22)
02.Adequate Records. Feedlot records are adequate to show the origin and disposition of the cattle in the feedlot; and (3-31-22)
03.Adequate Resources. The Administrator determines that the Division of Animal Industries has adequate human and fiscal resources to assure that the feedlot abides by the provisions of this chapter; and (3-31-22)
04.Past History. The Administrator may take any past enforcement or violation history into consideration when making the final determination of whether or not to approve a feedlot. (3-31-22)

Idaho Admin. Code r.