Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.Records Requirements. Maintain pesticide application records for two (2) years, ready to be inspected, duplicated, or submitted when requested by the Director. Such records shall contain:
a. The name and address of the person for whom the pesticide was applied;
b. The specific crop, animal, or property treated;
c. The location by the address, general legal description (township, range, and section) or latitude/longitude of the specific crop, animal, or property treated;
d. The size or amount of specific crop, animal, or property treated;
e. The trade name or brand name of the pesticide applied;
f. The total amount of pesticide applied;
g. The EPA registration number of the pesticide applied;
h. The date of application;
i. The time of day when the pesticide is applied;
j. The approximate wind velocity;
k. The approximate wind direction;
l. The full name of the professional applicator applying the pesticide;
m. The license number of the professional applicator applying the pesticide;
n. Full name and license number of professional applicator supervising the pesticide application of the professional applicator holding the Apprentice Category (CA).
o. Worker protection information exchange, if required, prior to pesticide application, including name of grower or operator contacted and date and time of contact.
02.Restricted Use Records. Professional applicators who have made an application of a restricted use pesticide shall, within thirty (30) days of the pesticide application, provide a copy of the application records required under this rule for each application of any restricted use pesticide to the person for whom the pesticide application was made.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective July 1, 2024