Haw. Code R. § 8-515-11

Current through April, 2024
Section 8-515-11 - Performance evaluations
(a) Any performance evaluation of an authorizer shall use all performance indicators, measures, and metrics set forth in the performance evaluation system pursuant to section 8-515-10.
(b) The board shall develop a response form for performance evaluations, which shall be made available to each authorizer who will be evaluated at least ninety days prior to the performance evaluation response being due. The performance evaluation response form shall also include a description of the performance evaluation process,the performance evaluation processing schedule, and the performance indicators, measures, and metrics set forth in the performance evaluation system pursuant to section 8-515-10.
(c) The performance evaluation shall provide for and include the following:
(1) At least ninety days prior to the performance evaluation response being due, a written notice from the board notifying the authorizer that a performance evaluation will be conducted;
(2) The timely submission of a completed performance evaluation response to the board;
(3) Upon receipt of a completed performance evaluation response, the review and evaluation of the authorizer by qualified persons;
(4) An in-person interview with representatives from the authorizer;
(5) A survey or interview of representatives from charter schools within the authorizer's portfolio of charter schools;
(6) An opportunity in a public forum for the public, including the authorizer, to provide input on each authorizer being evaluated;
(7) Following the review and evaluation of the authorizer by qualified persons, issuance of a draft of the written report by the evaluators to the authorizer, and an opportunity for the authorizer to provide written comments on the draft of the written performance evaluation report; and
(8) Approval of the final draft of the written performance evaluation report by the board, and transmittal of the report to the authorizer.
(d) The performance evaluation report shall include an overall rating of the authorizer, and shall be published on the board's website. The performance evaluation report may be used as the performance report, pursuant to section 8-515-16, or may serve as a notice of noncompliance pursuant to section 8-515-13.
(e) The board shall conduct a performance evaluation of each authorizer no less than every five years.
(f) For the purposes of this section, "authorizer" also means the commission.

Haw. Code R. § 8-515-11

[Eff 2/18/2017] (Auth: HRS § 302A-1112) (Imp: HRS § 302D-11)