Haw. Code R. § 8-19-13

Current through August, 2024
Section 8-19-13 - Prohibited student conduct; class offenses
(a) The following prohibited conduct applies to all students in summer school during summer school hours, on campus, or other department premises, on department transportation, or during a department sponsored activity or event on or off school property.
(1) Class A offenses:
(A) Assault;
(B) Bullying (for students in grades 9-12);
(C) Burglary;
(D) Cyber bullying (for students in grades 9-12);
(E) Dangerous instrument, or substance; possession or use of;
(F) Dangerous weapons; possession, or use of;
(G) Drug paraphernalia; possession, use, or sale of;
(H) Extortion;
(I) Fighting;
(J) Firearms; possession or use of;
(K) Harassment (for students in grades 9-12);
(L) Homicide;
(M) Illicit drugs; possession, use, or sale of;
(N) Intoxicating substances; possession, use, or sale of;
(O) Property damage or vandalism;
(P) Robbery;
(Q) Sexual assault;
(R) Sexual exploitation;
(S) Sexual harassment (for students in grades 5-12);
(T) Stalking; or
(U) Terroristic threatening.
(2) Class B offenses:
(A) Bullying (for students in grades K-8);
(B) Cyberbullying (for students in grades K-8);
(C) Discrimination;
(D) Disorderly conduct;
(E) False salami;
(F) Forgery;
(G) Gambling;
(H) Harassment (for students in grades K-8);
(I) Hazing;
(J) Inappropriate or questionable uses, or both of internet materials or equipment, or both;
(K) Retaliation;
(L) Sexual harassment (for students in grades K-4);
(M) Theft; or
(N) Trespassing.
(3) Class C offenses:
(A) Abusive language;
(B) Class cutting;
(C) Insubordination;
(D) Laser pen/laser pointer; possession or use of;
(E) Leaving campus without consent;
(F) Smoking or use of tobacco substances; or
(G) Truancy.
(4) Class D offenses:
(A) Contraband; possession or use of;
(B) Minor problem behaviors; or
(C) Other school rules.
(b) Class C and D offenses: A summer school student who commits two of any class C or D offense as defined in section 8-19-6 in the course of summer school shall receive a warning for the first offense and may be released from summer school for the second offense.
(c) Any student who commits a class A or class B offense shall be dismissed from summer school. The summer school director or designee shall notify and meet with the student and parent prior to dismissal from summer school. The summer school director shall file a report with the complex area superintendent and shall provide a copy to the parent.
(d) A summer school director or designee, in an emergency, may impose a crisis removal of a student immediately after finding that the student's conduct presents an immediate clear threat to the physical safety of self or others or is so extremely disipative as to make the student's immediate removal necessary to preserve the right of other students to pursue an education free from undue disruption. The summer school director or designee shall inform and meet with the student and parent prior to the student's reinstatement in summer school. No student shall be reinstated without the meeting. The summer school director or designee shall file a report with the complex area superintendent and shall provide a copy to the parent.

Haw. Code R. § 8-19-13

[Eff 5/23/86; am and comp 7/19/93; comp 5/19/97; comp 2/22/01; am and comp 9/10/09] (Auth: HRS § 302A-1112) (Imp: HRS § 302A-1112)
Am and comp 11/17/2019