Haw. Code R. § 6-79-4

Current through April, 2024
Section 6-79-4 - Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

"Access code" means a sequence of numbers that, when dialed, connects the caller to the provider of operator service associated with that sequence.

"Aggregator" means the same as in § 269-16.8, HRS.

"Call" means a customer's telecommunications message attempted.

"Call splashing" means the transfer of a telephone call from one provider of operator services to another such provider in such a manner that the subsequent provider is unable or unwilling to determine the location of the origination of the call and, because of such inability or unwillingness, is prevented from billing the call on the basis of such location.

"Certificate of authority" or "COA" means the certificate issued pursuant to chapter 6-80, subchapter 2.

"Certificate of public convenience and necessity" or "CPCN" means the certificate issued pursuant to § 269-7.5, HRS.

"Certificate of registration" or "COR" means the certificate issued pursuant to chapter 6-80, subchapter 2.

"Commission" means the public utilities commission of the State.

"Customer" means any person who uses any telephone made available by an aggregator for purposes of aggregating calls and providing operator-assisted calls through access to an operator service provider.

"HRS" means the Hawaii Revised Statutes.

"Incumbent telecommunications carrier" or "incumbent carrier" means the telecommunications carrier referred to in § 269-7.5(c), HRS.

"Local exchange carrier" means a telecommunications carrier, other than an operator service provider, that provides telecommunications service to the aggregator.

"Operator service" means the same as in § 269-16.8, HRS, and includes the completion of calls through a live operator or automated system, whether the calls are paid for through billing, calling card, or credit card or through the person called (collect calls) and includes the completion of person-to-person and third-party calls.

"Operator service provider" or "provider" means a telecommunications carrier that provides operator service or any other person determined by the commission to be providing operator service.

"Person" includes individuals, partnerships, corporations, associations, joint stock companies, public trusts, organized groups of persons, whether incorporated or not, receivers or trustees of the foregoing, municipalities, including cities, counties, or other political subdivisions of the State, or any agency, authority, or instrumentality of the State, or any one or more of the foregoing.

"Presubscribed operator service provider" means the provider of operator service to which a customer is connected when the customer places a call.

"Rules" mean the Hawaii Administrative Rules.

"State" means the State of Hawaii.

"Tariff" means the documents that describe the service or product offered by a telecommunications carrier and prescribe the terms and conditions and the schedule of rates and charges under which the service or product is offered.

"Telecommunications carrier" means the same as in § 269-1, HRS, and includes the incumbent telecommunications carrier.

"Telecommunications relay service" means the same as relay services for the deaf, hearing-impaired, and speech-impaired under § 269-16.6, HRS.

"Telecommunications service" means the same as in § 269-1, HRS.

Haw. Code R. § 6-79-4

[Eff ] (Auth: HRS §§ 269-6, 269-16.8) (Imp: HRS §§ 269-1, 269-6, 269-16.8, 269-16.9)