With regards to subsection (1), a child that reaches the limiting age, as defined in Section 1.02, whose coverages were cancelled due to failure to show proof of student certification, may be reinstated with no break in coverage in the same benefit plans upon submission of proof documents within forty five (45) days of the birthdate.
Notwithstanding Rule 5.05 (b)(2), the enrollment of a child placed for adoption shall not be terminated if the employee-beneficiary has custody of and an obligation to support the child under a court order or agreement with a government agency or licensed child placing organization.
Unless provided otherwise by these rules or applicable federal or state law, the effective date of the termination shall be the first day of the pay period following the date of the event or, in an event under Rule 5.05 (b)(2), the date stated in a written notice to the employee-beneficiary.
Haw. Code R. § 5.05