The employee-beneficiary shall select the effective date of coverage in an enrollment application that must be filed within forty five (45) days of the date of the event, except for newborns which is within one hundred eighty (180) days of the birth. If the employee-beneficiary fails to make an effective date of coverage selection, the effective date of coverage shall be the date of the event. The Fund shall determine the required proof documents.
For disability retirement, at the option of the employee-beneficiary, the effective date of coverage shall be the first of the month on or after the employee-beneficiary's date of retirement or the 1st of the month of the date of the Employees' Retirement System disability certification letter provided that a completed enrollment application is received by the Fund within 60 days of certification from the Employees' Retirement System of a disability retirement.
Retired employee-beneficiaries shall be eligible to enroll in the Fund's health benefit plans during the next open enrollment period for enrollment applications received more than sixty (60) days after the date of retirement.
Haw. Code R. § 5.01