Haw. Code R. § 4-29-16

Current through November, 2024
Section 4-29-16 - Disposition of newborns
(a) Pregnant dogs or cats, greater than forty-five days gestation, are not permitted at the quarantine station and shall be quarantined at an approved hospital for the duration of quarantine. Violation of this provision shall result in penalties as provided in section 4-29-18(c). Should whelping of dogs or cats occur during quarantine, the humane care and treatment of offspring born to quarantined animals shall be the responsibility of the owner or co-owner.
(b) Animals born in quarantine may be released, provided:
(1) They are weaned at a minimum of four weeks of age; and
(2) There are no symptoms of neurological disease in their mothers during this period
(c) Each animal born to an animal quarantined at the quarantine station shall be charged a daily fee and any other applicable fee established in section 4-29-17. Newborns may be released with written medical justification prior to weaning upon approval of the state veterinarian. After separation of newborns from the mother, female dogs and cats that gave birth shall remain in quarantine for observation for a minimum of ten days.

Haw. Code R. § 4-29-16

[Eff 03/18/93; am and comp 05/23/97; am and comp 07/10/00; am and comp 06/30/03; am and comp 02/12/04; comp 10/31/05; am and comp SEP 28 2009] (Auth: HRS § 142-2) (Imp: HRS §§ 142-3, 142-6)
Comp 2/12/2016
Am and Comp 8/31/2018