Section 4-28-9 - Post-shipment requirements(a) All poultry and birds entering the State shall be inspected by the state veterinarian or an inspector upon arrival. Failure to comply with pre-arrival requirements, evidence of transmissible disease, or possible exposure to a transmissible disease shall be sufficient reason to refuse entry, place the poultry or birds under quarantine, or destroy the poultry or birds.(b) All expenses incurred in connection with the testing, segregation, treatment, destruction, and disposal of poultry or birds that are refused entry, quarantined, or destroyed shall be borne by the owner, shipper, importer, or consignee.(c) All birds entering the State shall be kept in isolation for a period of thirty days at the importer's premises at a site approved by the state veterinarian. Poultry shall be isolated for a minimum period of seven days. Poultry or birds may be sold or transferred to another person, provided the poultry or birds continue to be held in isolation by the new owner for the remainder of the isolation period.(d) Importers of poultry and birds shall keep a record of each sale or transfer that contains the: (1) Date of sale or transfer;(2) Name, address, and telephone number of the purchaser or transferee;(3) Number and species of poultry or birds sold or transferred; and(4) Identification device number of the poultry or birds sold or transferred. Subsequent owners, likewise, shall keep records of sales and transfers. Transfer forms shall be available from the division. A record of transfer shall be maintained for not less than ninety days after entry and shall be made available to the division if, during this period, a quarantine is placed on a premise because of the diagnosis of a disease listed in chapter 4-22, Hawaii Administrative Rules, "Reporting of Animal Diseases and Disease Agents," or other transmissible disease of poultry or birds. Pet shops dealing exclusively in birds of local origin are exempt from the requirements of this subsection.
(e) Every shipper, importer, consignee, and subsequent owner of poultry or birds shall report promptly to the state veterinarian all instances of sick or dead poultry or birds occurring during the required isolation period and, upon request by the department, shall make those poultry or birds available for testing and other diagnostic procedures.(f) The state veterinarian or an inspector may inspect an importer's premises, isolation facilities, or records relating to poultry or bird importations and sales, during reasonable hours to investigate a disease outbreak or assess compliance with these rules. A report of inspection shall be on file with the division.(g) Poultry and birds imported into the State directly from USDA-approved quarantine facilities are exempt from the isolation requirement of subsection (c).(h) Poultry and birds entering the State for exhibition or performance shall be held in isolation at a premise, under conditions approved by the state veterinarian, for the duration of the exhibition or performance.[Eff JAN 16 2004] (Auth: HRS § 142-2) (Imp: HRS §§ 142-3, 142-4, 142-5, 142-11, 142-13, 142-29, 142-98)