Haw. Code R. § 4-28-2

Current through April, 2024
Section 4-28-2 - Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:

"Accredited veterinarian" means a veterinarian certified by federal and state animal health authorities to participate in cooperative disease control activities, including execution of official certificates of veterinary inspection for the interstate and international movement of animals.

"APHIS" means Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture.

"Aviary game bird" includes the various species of pheasant which are of rare nature and are generally propagated and raised for ornamental and aesthetic purposes, but does not pertain to birds raised for food, fighting, baiting, or for similar commercial purposes.

"Bird" or "birds" means all birds of the class aves, including eggs for hatching, other than poultry.

"Board" means the board of agriculture, State of Hawaii.

"Carrier" means a person or company engaged in the activity of transporting animals, by land, sea, or air including any ship, vessel, airplane, or other conveyance used to transport animals; or its master, commanding officer, owner, local manager, broker or agent.

"Carrier pigeon" means a homing or racing pigeon that has an identification device.

"Certificate of veterinary inspection" or "CVI" means an official state or federal certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian or state or federal veterinary officer providing all information and test results required for poultry and birds to enter Hawaii and certifying that the poultry or birds being transported are free of symptoms of transmissible disease.

"Commercial chickens" means chickens other than hatching eggs and day-old chickens, originating from NPIP certified hatcheries, imported for commercial egg or meat production, by entities maintaining a valid Hawaii General Excise Tax license for that purpose.

"Day-old birds" means birds that are shipped directly to Hawaii before twenty-four hours of age but may arrive after twenty-four hours of age. "Day-old birds" shall mean and include day-old poultry.

"Department" or "department of agriculture" means department of agriculture, State of Hawaii.

"Division" means division of animal industry, department of agriculture.

"Effects" means crates or cages used to transport poultry or birds, and bedding, dishes, toys, or other objects that may accompany any bird, including poultry.

"Entry" means the release of poultry or birds into the community after completion of all requirements set forth in this chapter.

"Hold order" means an order issued by the state veterinarian restricting the movement of all animals, effects, and implements at a premise undergoing a disease investigation, for a maximum period of ninety days for each hold order.

"Identification device" means either a band placed around the leg or attached within the wing of poultry and birds or an implantable electronic microchip that allows poultry or birds to be individually identified with a unique numeric or alphanumeric identifier.

"Inspector" means a veterinarian, livestock inspector, or any officer or employee of the department of agriculture or USDA, authorized or designated by the state veterinarian to enforce the provisions of this chapter.

"Isolation" means to keep poultry and birds separated in a room not being used to house any other poultry or birds except that imported poultry or birds received less than seven days apart may be held together with the prior approval of an inspector.

"NPIP" means National Poultry Improvement Plan.

"Pigeon" means rock doves (Columbia livia).

"Poultry" means ducks, geese, pigeons, and birds of the Order Galliformes such as chickens, turkeys, guinea fowls, peafowl, pheasants, grouse, partridges, and quail, including their eggs for hatching.

"Premise" means a property, including any structure on it.

"Pullorum-Typhoid" means diseases of poultry caused by Salmonella pullorum and Salmonella gallinarum, respectively.

"Quarantine" means the secure isolation and confinement of poultry or birds on a premise or premises, or in an area designated by the state veterinarian. No poultry or birds may be removed from or added to these premises or areas except as permitted by the state veterinarian.

"Racing pigeon" means any pigeon whose identification device is registered with any county, state, national, or international pigeon racing organization.

"Shipmaster's declaration" means an official state form that shall be completed and submitted by a carrier and that provides information on poultry and birds transported including the name of the importer.

"Show pigeon" means any pigeon intended for show purposes that bears an identification device.

"State veterinarian" means the veterinary program administrator in the division of animal industry, department of agriculture.

"Transmissible disease" means any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease of poultry or birds.

"USDA" means United States Department of Agriculture.

"Vaccine" means a suspension of live, attenuated, killed, or genetically altered organisms or parts thereof used for the prevention, amelioration, or treatment of infectious diseases.

"Valid import permit" or "import permit" or "poultry and bird import permit" means a properly completed import permit issued by the division and signed by an accredited veterinarian or a NPIP approved state inspector authorized to issue a "Report of Sales of Hatching Eggs, Chicks, and Poults" (VS Form 9-3, Oct 81). An NPIP approved state inspector may only issue an import permit for day-old poultry or hatching eggs.

Haw. Code R. § 4-28-2

[Eff JAN 16 2004] (Auth: HRS § 142-2) (Imp: HRS §§ 142-3, 142-101, 142-111)