Haw. Code R. § 4-16-4

Current through April, 2024
Section 4-16-4 - Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless context otherwise requires:

"Accredited veterinarian" means a veterinarian certified by federal and state animal health authorities to participate in cooperative disease control activities, including execution of health certificates for the interstate and international movement of animals.

"Animals" includes wild animals, feral animals, domestic animals, aquaculture animals, poultry, birds, and hatching eggs.

"APHIS" means Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture.

"Approved disinfectant" means a germicidal agent approved for use in a specific state-federal animal disease control and eradication program.

"Approved pesticide" means a chemical agent approved for use against external parasites.

"Board" means the state board of agriculture.

"Carrier" means any person or company engaged in the activity of transporting animals, by land, sea, or air including any ship, vessel, airplane, or other conveyance used to transport animals; or its master, commanding officer, owner, local manager, broker or agent.

"Certificate of veterinary inspection" or "CVI" means an official state or federal certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian or state or federal veterinary officer providing all information and test results required for animals to enter Hawaii, to move interstate and certifying that the animals being transported are free of symptoms of transmissible disease.

"Chairperson" means the chairperson of the state board of agriculture.

"Contact" means any physical union or touching-between animals.

"Department" means the state department of agriculture.

"Division" means the division of animal industry, department of agriculture.

"Division head" means the administrator of the division of animal industry.

"Domestic animals" includes horses, mules, asses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, dogs, cats, poultry, rabbits, llamas and alpacas, including camelid, maintained in the domestic state; includes poultry and hatching eggs.

"Effects" includes ropes, halters, harnesses, buckets, stalls, crates, pens, stables, feed, feed bags, and other equipment used to handle, confine, maintain, or transport animals.

"Entry" means the release of animals into the State after completion of all requirements set forth in this chapter.

"Health certificate" means an official document in English, issued by an accredited veterinarian certifying that the animals being shipped are free from external parasites and symptoms of transmissible disease and providing all other information and test results required for acceptance by the State, also known as "Certificate of Veterinary Inspection".

"Hold order" means an order issued by the state veterinarian restricting the movement of all animals, effects, and implements at a premise undergoing a disease investigation, for a maximum period of ninety days for each hold order issued.

"Inspector" means a veterinarian, livestock inspector, or any officer or employee of the department of agriculture or USDA, authorized or designated by the state veterinarian to enforce the provisions of this chapter.

"Official vaccinate" means a female bovine animal that has been vaccinated with an approved brucellosis vaccine and identified with the required tattoo and official identification.

"Polymerase Chain Reaction" or "PCR" means a laboratory test to detect genetic material from a specific organism, such as a virus and protozoa.

"Premise" means a property, including any structure on it.

"Quarantine" means the secure isolation and confinement of animals on a premise or premises, or in an area designated by the state veterinarian. No animal may be removed from or added to these premises or areas except as permitted by the state veterinarian.

"Shipmaster's declaration" means an official state form that shall be completed and submitted by a carrier and provides information on animals transported including the name of the importer.

"State veterinarian" means the veterinary program administrator of animal industry division, department of agriculture.

"Transmissible disease" means any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease of animals.

"Vaccine" means a biological agent composed of live, attenuated, genetically modified, or killed microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, or their DNA or RNA used for the prevention or treatment of diseases.

Haw. Code R. § 4-16-4

[Eff. 10/5/81] (Auth: HRS § 142-2) (Imp: HRS § 142-3)
Am and comp 12/22/2023