Haw. Code R. § 3-177-155

Current through August, 2024
Section 3-177-155 - Clerk's approval; when voter becomes registered
(a) Unless contested by a qualified voter, the clerk may accept, as prima facie evidence, the allegations of the applicant in information required in the voter registration form.
(b) The clerk may require the applicant to furnish substantiating evidence to the allegations in the applicant's voter registration form.
(c) To the extent an applicant has satisfied the clerk of the allegations of the voter registration form either in subsection (a) or (b), the voter will be considered registered as of the date of the receipt of the voter registration form, unless there is a basis for an earlier date.
(1) If a voter registration form was mailed to the clerk by the voter registration deadline but received after the deadline, the date of registration will be the date the form was signed; or
(2) If a voter registration form was delivered to a drop off point or to a designated representative, the date of registration will be the date of receipt at the drop off point or to the designated representative.
(d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the clerk may administratively use the date of the signing of the form, to reflect the date of registration, to the extent it has no impact on whether an applicant would otherwise be eligible to vote in the upcoming election (e.g. there is no dispute that the date of actual receipt or the application of the provisions of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, as amended, would otherwise reflect that the applicable voter registration, deadline had been met).

Haw. Code R. § 3-177-155

[Eff JUL 26 2020] (Auth: HRS § 11-4, 52 USC § 20504, 52 USC §20505, 52 USC § 20506) (Imp: HRS §§ 11-15, 11-16, 52 USC § 20504, 52 USC §20505, 52 USC § 20506)