Haw. Code R. § tit. 3, Building Code Council, State Plumbing Code, AMENDMENTS TO THE 2018 IAPMO UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, app HAWAII SBCC1

Current through November, 2024
Appendix - HAWAII SBCC1

HS203 Air Admittance Valve:A one-way valve designed to allow air to enter the plumbing drainage system when negative pressures develop in the system The device closes by gravity, without springs or other mechanical means, and seals the vent terminal at zero differential pressure (no flow conditions) and under positive internal pressure The purpose of an air admittance valve is to provide a method of allowing air to enter the plumbing drainage system without the need for a vent extended outdoors to open air and to prevent sewer gases from escaping into the building.


This amendment provides a definition for Air Admittance Valve

HS41211 Nonwater Urinals. Nonwater urinals shall have a liquid barrier sealant to maintain a trap seal. Nonwater urinals shall permit the uninhibited flow of waste through the urinal to the sanitary drainage system. Nonwater urinals shall be cleaned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions after installation. Where nonwater urinals are installed, not less than one water supplied fixture rated at not less than 1 water supply fixture unit (WSFU) shall be installed upstream on the same drain line to facilitate drain line flow and rinsing.

Note - The code states the minimum requirements for plumbing systems, therefore, no need for an option to rough-in for water distribution lines to each individual urinal. The installer or owner may choose to add water distribution lines to each individual urinal but not required.


This amendment provides code users the option to utilize an alternative method or design which the user considers to be beneficial to their system requirements.

HS414.0 Dishwashing Machines.

HS414.3 Drainage Connection. Domestic dishwashing machines shall discharge directly into a wye branch fitting on the tailpiece of a kitchen sink, dishwasher connection of a food waste disposer or an air break into a standpipe in accordance with Section 804.1. Where a domestic dishwashing machine discharges indirectly through an air gap fitting, the fitting shall be installed at or above the flood level marking of the sink or drainboard, whichever is higher. Where the waste line connects to a kitchen tailpiece or food waste disposer, it shall rise and be securely fastened to the underside of the sink rim or counter. Commercial dishwashing machines shall discharge indirectly through an air break or direct connection. The indirect discharge for commercial dishwashing machines shall be in accordance with Section 807.1, and the direct discharge shall be in accordance with Section 704.3.


This amendment provides code users the option to utilize an alternative method or design which the user considers to be beneficial to their system requirements.

HS610.4 Sizing Water Supply and Distribution Systems. Systems within the range of Table 610.4 shall be permitted to be sized from that table or by the method in accordance with Section 610.5. Manifold-type parallel water distribution systems shall be installed in accordance with Section 610.13.

HS610.13 Manifold-Type Parallel Water Distribution Systems

HS610.13.1 General. Manifolds and parallel water distribution systems shall be listed and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Parallel water distribution systems shall provide individual hot and cold water supply lines from a manifold to each fixture served. Manifolds shall be accessible where incorporating removable tubing connections or valves,

HS610.13.2 Sizing. Hot and cold water manifolds shall be sized in accordance with Table 613.2(1) based on the total supply demand in gallons per minute. Individual water distribution piping shall be sized in accordance with Table 613.2(2).

HS610.13.2 Valves. Individual fixture shutoff valves shall be installed in accordance with Section 606.5.

HS610.13.3 Installation. Tubing shall be not less than 12 inches (305 mm) vertically or 6 inches (152 mm) horizontally from sources of high heat unless protected by insulation or other approved methods. Tubing shall be installed to permit expansion and contraction. Hot and cold water piping shall be permitted to be bundled together provided that each individual hot water piping is insulated and permits movement. Tubing passing through drilled or notched metal studs or metal joists, or hollow-shell masonry walls shall be protected from abrasion by elastomeric or plastic sleeves or grommets.

HS610.13.4 Support. Tube bundles shall be supported in accordance with Table 313.3. Supports at changes in direction shall comply with the manufacturer's instructions.

TABLE 610.13.2(1)



MAXIMUM DEMAND (gallons per minute)

VELOCITY at 4 feet per second

VELOCITY at 8 feet per second










1 1/4



1 1/2






For SI units: 1 inch = 25 mm, 1 gallon per minute = 0.06 L/s, 1 foot per second = 0,3048 m/s

TABLE 610.13.2(2)




Bathtub or Combination Bath/Shower




Clothes Washer







Kitchen, domestic




Sendee or Mon Basin


Shower, per head


Urinal, 1.0 GPF Flushometer Valve


Urinal. Flush Tank


Water Closet. 1.6 GPF Gravity' Tank


Water Closet, i .6 GPF Flushometer Tank


Water Closet. 1.6 GPF Flushometer Valve


For SI units: 1 inch - 25 mm


This amendment provides code users the option to utilize an alternative method or design which the user considers to be beneficial to their system requirements.

HS610.141610.131 Exceptions,

(Renumber existing Section 610.13 to Section 610.14)







Shower, single-head trap





9 For a bathtub to shower retrofit, a 1 1/2"(40 mm) trap and trap arm shall be permitted with a maximum shower size of 36 inches [LESS THAN]914 mm) in width and 60 inches (1524 mm) in length.


This amendment provides code users the option to utilize an alternative method or design which the user considers to be beneficial to their system requirements.

HS718.1 Slope. Building sewers shall be run in practical alignment and at a uniform slope of not less than 1/4 inch per foot (20.8 mm/m) toward the point of disposal.

Exception: Where it is impractical, due to the depth of the street sewer or to the structural features or the arrangement of a building or structure, to obtain a slope of 1/4 inch per foot (20.8 mm/m), such pipe or piping 4 inches (100 mm) through 6 inches (150 mm) shall be permitted to have aslope of not less than 1/8 inch (10.4 mm/m) and such piping 8 inches (200 mm) and larger shall be permitted to have a slope of not less than 1/16 inch per foot (5.2 mm).


This amendment provides code users the option to utilize an alternative method or design which the user considers to be beneficial to their system requirements.

HS804.1.1 Laundry Trav Waste Connection to Standpipe. A laundry trav waste connection shall be permitted to connect into a standpipe receptor for a clothes washer drain. The standpipe for a clothes washer drain shall extend not less than 30 inches (762 mm) above the weir of the standpipe trap and shall extend above the flood level rim of the laundry tray. The waste outlet of the laundry trav shall be not more than 30 inches horizontally apart from the standpipe.


This amendment provides code users the option to utilize an alternative method or design which the user considers to be beneficial to their system requirements.


This amendment is required to coordinate with amendment HS414.3.

HS906.1.1 Sidewall Venting. Where sidewall venting is utilized, the vent shall not terminate under a vented overhang of a building and shall be located in accordance with Section 906.2. The vent terminal shall be directed downward and covered with a 3/32 of an inch (2.4 mm) mesh screen to prevent the entry of vermin or rodents. Note: Section 906.2 requires that each vent shall terminate not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from, or not less than 3 feet (914 mm) above, an openable window, door, opening, air intake, or vent shaft, or not less than 3 feet (914 mm) in every direction from a lot line, alley and street excepted.


This amendment provides code users the option to utilize an alternative method or design which the user considers to be beneficial to their system requirements.

HS908.2 Horizontal Wet Venting for a Bathroom Groups. A maximum of two water closets, four lavatories, two bathtubs or combination bath/showers or showers, two bidets or two emergency floor drains connected to a horizontal branch drain on the same floor level shall be permitted to be vented by a horizontal wet vent. Each fixture drain shall connect independently in a horizontal plane of less than 45 degrees (0,79 rad) with the horizontal wet vent The horizontal wet vent shall be considered as a vent from the most downstream fixture drain connection to the most upstream fixture drain connection to the horizontal branch drain.

HS908.2.1 Vent Connection. The dry vent shall connect to the horizontal branch drain and shad be installed in accordance with Section 905.2. Section 905.3. and Section 905.5. Only one wet-vented fixture drain or trap arm shall discharge upstream of the dry-vented fixture drain connection.

HS908.2.2 Size. The horizontal wet vent shall be sized based on the fixture unit discharge into the horizontal wet vent and shall be not less than 2 inches (50 mm) in diameter for 4 drainage fixture units (dfu) or less, and not less than 3 inches (80 mm) in diameter for 5 dfu or more. The dry' vent shall be sized in accordance with Table 702.1 and Table 703.2 based on the total fixture units discharging into the horizontal wet vent.

HS908.2.3 Trap Arm. The length of the fixture trap arm shall not exceed the limits in Tabic 1002.2. The trap size shall comply with Section 1003.3.

HS908.2.4 Fixtures. The A water closet fixture drain or trap arm connection to the horizontal wet vent shall be located downstream of other fixture drain or trap arm connections made to the horizontal wet vent. other fixtures, other than wet vented fixtures, located downstream of the horizontal wet vent shall be vented in accordance with Section 901.2.


This amendment provides code users the option to utilize an alternative method or design which the user considers to be beneficial to their system requirements.

HS912.0 Air Admittance Valves.

HS912.1 General. Vents shall be permitted to terminate to an air admittance valve where installed in accordance with this section. Stack-type air admittance valves shall comply with ASSE 1050. Individual and branch-type air admittance valves shall comply with ASSE 1051,

HS912.1.1 Vent Required. A minimum of one stack vent or vent stack shall extend to the open air on every building drainage and vent system utilizing air admittance valves.

HS912.2 Installation. Air admittance valves shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.

HS912.3 Where Permitted. Individual, branch and circuit vents shall be permitted to terminate with a connection to an individual or branch-type air admittance valve. Stack vents and vent slacks shall be permitted to terminate to stack-type air admittance valves. An individual and branch-Woe air admittance valves shall only serve as the vent terminal for fixtures located on the same floor level. The horizontal branch drain having individual and branch-type air admittance valves shall comply with Section 912.3.1 or Section 912.3.2. Stack-type air admittance valves shall comply with Section 912.3.3.

HS912.3.1 Location of Branch, The horizontal branch drain shall connect to the drainage stack or building drain not more than five stories from the top of the stack.

HS912.3.2 Relief Vent. Where the horizontal branch is located more than five stories from the top of the stack, the horizontal branch shall be provided with a relief vent that shall connect to a vent stack or stack vent, or extend outdoors to the open air. The relief vent shall connect to the horizontal branch drain between the stack and die most downstream fixture drain connected to the horizontal branch drain. The relief vent shall be not less than 2 inches (50 mm) in diameter. The relief vent shall be permitted to serve as the vent for other fixtures.

HS912.3.3 Stack Type Connection. Stack-type air admittance valves shall connect to vent stacks or stack vents that serve drainage stacks not exceeding seven stories in height.

HS912.4 Location. Individual and branch-type air admittance valves shall be located not less than 4 inches (102 mm) above the horizontal branch drain or fixture drain being vented. Stack-type air admittance valves shall be located not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the flood level rim of the highest fixture being vented. The air admittance valve shall be located within the maximum developed length permitted for the vent. The air admittance valve shall be installed not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above insulation materials.

HS912.5 Access and Ventilation. Air admittance valves shall be accessible. The valve shall be located within a ventilated space that allows air to enter the valve.

HS912.6 Size. The air admittance valve shall be sized for the fixture unit discharge and drainage pipe size of the connected drain.

HS912.7 Prohibited Installation. Air admittance valves shall not be installed in the following applications:

(1) vents for chemical or special waste systems.
(2) vent sumps or receiving tanks.
(3) located in supply or return plenums.


This amendment provides code users the option to utilize an alternative method or design which the user considers to be beneficial to their system requirements.

HS913.0 Engineered Vent Systems.

(Renumber existing Section 912.0 to Section 913.0)

HS1001.2 Where Required. Each plumbing fixture shall be separately trapped by an approved type of liquid seal trap. This section shall not apply to fixtures with integral traps. Not more than one trap shall be permitted on a trap arm. Food waste disposers installed with a set of restaurant, commercial, or industrial sinks shall be connected to a separate trap. A trap serving a laundry trav shall be permitted to receive the waste from a clothes washer set adjacent to it. The vertical distance between a fixture outlet and the trap weir shall be as short as practicable, but in no case shall the tailpiece from a fixture exceed 24 inches (610 mm) in length. One trap shall be permitted to serve a set of not more than three single compartment sinks or laundry* tubs of the same depth or three lavatories immediately adjacent to each other and in the same room where the waste outlets are not more than 30 inches (762 mm) apart, and the trap is centrally located where three compartments are installed.

Note - The combination of this option will permit a laundry tray (without a trap) to discharge into an indirect waste standpipe for a clothes washer. Two areas in the plumbing code need to be addressed (I) clothes washer standpipe is higher than the flood level rim of the laundry tray to prevent flooding at the clothes washer standpipe if a stoppage should occur downstream (laundry tray providing a buffer against overflow of the standpipe as the laundry trap will fill up with the washer discharge) and (2) 30-inch horizontal limitation between the laundry trap and clothes washer standpipe.


This amendment is required to coordinate with amendment HS804.L1.

HS1002.2 Fixture Traps.

Table 1002.2 Horizontal Lengths of Trap Arms is amended as follows:





1 1/4

2 1/2


1 1/2












Exceeding 4

2 x Diameter

Diameter x ratio of slope

For SI units: 1 inch = 25.4 mm


1 Maintain 1/4 inch per foot slope (20.8 mm/m). For slopes other than 1/4 inch per foot (20.8 mm), divide the pipe diameter by the slope to determine the maximum allowable length,


This amendment is required to coordinate with amendment HS908.2.3.

HS1007.0 Trap Seat Protection.

HS1007.1 General.Floor drains and traps subject to evaporation due to infrequent use shall be protected with a water supplied trap seal primer, drainage supplied trap seal primer or floor drain trap seal protection device. Water supplied trap seal primers shall be accessible for maintenance.

HS1007.2 Trap Seal Primers and Floor Drain Trap Seal Protection Devices. Potable water supply trap seal primer valves shall comply with ASSE 1018. Drainage and electronic design type trap seal primer devices shall comply with ASSE 1044. Barrier-type trap seal protection devices shall comply with ASSE 1072.


This amendment provides code users the option to utilize an alternative method or design which the user considers to be beneficial to their system requirements.

HS1701.1Referenced Standards is amended by adding the following:






ASSE 1050-2009

Stack Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage System



ASSE 1051-2009

Individual and Branch Type Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems



ASSE 1072-2007

Barrier Type Floor Drain Tran Seal Protection Devices

DWV Components

HS 1007.2


This amendment is to add the standards that arc referenced in amendments HS912.I and HS1007.2.

Haw. Code R. tit. 3, Building Code Council, State Plumbing Code, AMENDMENTS TO THE 2018 IAPMO UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, app HAWAII SBCC1

[Eff 5/19/2020]