Haw. Code R. § tit. 3, Building Code Council, State Building Code Council, Amendments to the 2018 ICC International Building Code (IBC), 50

Current through November, 2024
Protection against decay and termites

Section 2304.12 is deleted in its entirety and replaced to read as follows:

2304.12" Protection against decay and termites.
2304.12.1 General. Where required by this section, protection from decay and termites shall be provided by the use of naturally durable or preservative-treated wood.
2304.12.2Wood used above ground. Structural lumber installed above ground shall be preservative-treated wood in accordance with Section 2303.1.8.
2304.12.2.1Soil treatment and termite barriers. Where structural lumber of wood frame buildings or structures are supported directly on the ground by a concrete slab, or concrete and/or masonry foundation, Formosan subterranean termite protection shall be provided by either chemically treating the soil beneath and adjacent to the building or structure by a Hawaii licensed pest control operator, or stainless steel termite barrier, or other termite protection measures approved by the building official.

All soil treatment, stainless steel termite barrier, and termite protection measures shall be installed according to manufacturer's recommendations for control of Formosan subterranean termites, with chemical barriers applied at the maximum label rates.

2304.12.3Wood in ground contact. Wood supporting permanent buildings and structures, which is in direct soil contact or is embedded in concrete or masonry in direct contact with earth shall be treated to the appropriate commodity specification of AWPA Standard U1.

Wood in direct soil contact but not supporting any permanent buildings or structures shall be treated to the appropriate commodity specification of AWPA Standard U1 for ground contact.

2304.12.4Retaining walls. Wood in retaining or crib wall shall be treated to AWPA Standard U1.
2304.12.5Wood and earth separation. Where wood is used with less than 6-inch vertical separation from earth (finish grade), the wood shall be treated for ground-contact use.

Where planter boxes are installed adjacent to wood frame walls, a 2-inch-wide (51 mm) air space shall be provided between the planter and the wall. Flashings shall be installed when the air space is less than 6 inches (152 mm) in width. Where flashing is used, provisions shall be made to permit circulation of air in the air space. The wood-frame wall shall be provided with an exterior wall covering conforming to the provisions of section 2304.6.

2304.12.6Under-floor clearance for access and inspection. Minimum clearance between the bottom of floor joists or bottom of floors without joists and the ground beneath shall be 24 inches; the minimum clearance between the bottom of girders and the ground beneath shall be 18 inches.

Exception: Open slat wood decks shall have ground clearance of at least 6 inches for any wood member.

Accessible under-floor areas shall be provided with a minimum 18 inch-by 24 inch access opening, effectively screened or covered. Pipes, ducts and other construction shall not interfere with the accessibility to or within under-floor areas.

2304.12.7Wood used in retaining walls and cribs. Wood installed in retaining or crib walls shall be preservative treated in accordance with AWPA U1 (Commodity Specifications A or F) for soil and fresh water use.
2304.12.8Weather exposure. All portions of timbers (over 5-inch nominal width) and glued-laminated timbers that form structural supports of a building or other structure shall be protected by a roof, eave, overhangs, flashings, or similar coverings.

All wood or wood composite panels, in weather-exposed applications, shall be of exterior type.

2304.12.9Water splash. Where wood-frame walls and partitions are covered on the interior with plaster, tile or similar materials and are subject to water splash, the framing shall be protected with approved waterproof paper conforming to Section 1404.2.
2304.12.10Pipe and other penetrations. Insulations around plumbing pipes shall not pass through ground floor slabs. Openings around pipes or similar penetrations in a concrete or masonry slab, which is in direct contact with earth, shall be filled with non-shrink grout, BTB, or other approved physical barrier.

Haw. Code R. tit. 3, Building Code Council, State Building Code Council, Amendments to the 2018 ICC International Building Code (IBC), 50

[Eff 4/20/2021]