Current through November, 2024
Preservative-treated woodSection 2303.1.9 is deleted in its entirety and replaced to read as follows:
2303.1.9 " Preservative-treated wood. Structural lumber, including plywood, posts, beams, rafters, joists, trusses, studs, plates, sills, sleepers, roof and floor sheathing, flooring and headers of new woodframe buildings and additions shall be:1. Treated in accordance with AWPA Standard U1 (UC1 thru UC4B) for AWPA Standardized Preservatives, all marked or branded and monitored by an approving agency. Incising is not required, providing that the retention and penetration requirements of these standards are met.2. For SBX disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT), retention shall be not less than 0.28 pcf B2O3 (0.42 = pcf DOT) for exposure to Formosan termites. All such lumber shall be protected from direct weather exposure as directed in AWPA UC1 and UC2.3. For structural glued-laminated members made up of dimensional lumber, engineered wood products, or structural composite lumber, pressure treated in accordance with AWPA U1 (UC1 thru UC4B) or by Light Oil Solvent Preservative (LOSP) treatment standard as approved by the building official. Water based treatment processes as listed in paragraphs 1 and 2 are not allowed to be used on these products unless specified by a structural engineer for use with reduced load values and permitted by the product manufacturer.4. For structural composite wood products, treated by non-pressure processes in accordance with AWPA Standard U1 (UC1, UC2 and UC3A) or approved by the building official.2303.1.9.1 Treatment. Wood treatment shall include the following:1. A quality control and inspection program which meets or exceeds the current requirements of AWPA Standards M2-01 and M3-03;2. Inspection and testing for the treatment standards as adopted by this code shall be by an independent agency approved by the building official, accredited by the American Lumber Standards Committee (ALSC) and contracted by the treating company;3. Field protection of all cut surfaces with a preservative, which shall be applied in accordance with AWPA Standard M4-02 or in accordance with the approved preservative manufacturer's ICC-Evaluation Services report requirements.2303.1.9.2 Labeling. Labeling shall be applied to all structural lumber 2 inches or greater nominal thickness, with the following information provided on each piece as a permanent ink stamp on one face or on a durable tag permanently fastened to ends with the following information: 1. Name of treating facility;4. Quality mark of third party inspection agency;5. Retention minimum requirements; and6. Year of treatment. All lumber less than 2 inches in nominal thickness, shall be identified per bundle by means of a label consisting of the above requirements. Labels measuring no less than 6 inches by 8 inches shall be placed on the lower left corner of the strapped bundle.
2303.1.9.3Moisture content. Where preservative-treated wood treated with a water-borne preservative is used in enclosed locations where drying in service cannot readily occur, such wood shall be at a moisture content of 19 percent or less before being covered with insulation, interior wall finish, floor covering or other material". Haw. Code R. tit. 3, Building Code Council, State Building Code Council, Amendments to the 2018 ICC International Building Code (IBC), 47