Section 1603.1 is amended to read as follows:
1603.1 " General.Construction documents shall show the size, section and relative locations of structural members with floor levels, column centers and offsets dimensioned. The design loads and other information pertinent to the structural design required by Sections 1603.1.1 through 1603.1.9 shall be indicated on the construction documents. Exception: Construction documents for buildings constructed in accordance with the conventional light-frame construction provisions of Section 2308 shall indicate the following structural design information:
1. Floor and roof dead and live loads.3. Basic design wind speed, V, miles per hour (mph) (km/hr) and effective allowable stress design wind speed, Veff-asd, as determined in accordance with Section 1609.3.1 and wind exposure.4. Design spectral response acceleration parameters, SDS and SD15. Seismic design category and site class.6. Flood design data, if located in flood hazard areas established in Section 1612.3.7. Design load-bearing values of soils. Haw. Code R. tit. 3, Building Code Council, State Building Code Council, Amendments to the 2018 ICC International Building Code (IBC), 24