Accessibility. Chapter 11 is deleted in its entirety and replaced to read as follows:
1101" Scope. Buildings or portions of buildings shall be accessible to persons with disabilities in accordance with the following regulations: 1. For construction of buildings or facilities of the state and county governments, compliance with Section 103-50 HRS, administered by the Disability and Communication Access Board, State of Hawaii.2. Department of Justice's Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design.3. Housing and urban development recognized 'safe harbors" for compliance with the Fair Housing Acts design and construction requirements.4. Other pertinent laws relating with disabilities shall be administered and enforced by agencies responsible for their enforcement.Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the owner (or the owner's representative, professional architect, or engineer) shall submit a statement that all requirements, relating to accessibility for persons with disabilities, shall be complied with."
Haw. Code R. tit. 3, Building Code Council, State Building Code Council, Amendments to the 2018 ICC International Building Code (IBC), 20