Haw. Code R. § tit. 20, subtit. 3, ch. 41, subch. 3, Definition of "Full-time" And "Part-time" As Applied to Students (6/17/81)

Current through November, 2024
Definition of "Full-time" And "Part-time" As Applied to Students (6/17/81)

Undergraduate Students
Enrollment statusCredit load per semester
Full time12 or more credits
3/4 time9-11 credits
1/2 time6-8 credits
1/4 timeIneligible
Less than 1/4 timeIneligible

Graduate Students
No. of 600-800 level courses No. of credits by enrollment status
F/T3/41/21/4Less than 1/4 time
2 or more86-74-53Ineligible
1 plus undergraduate courses97-85-63-4Ineligible
0 (100-599 level courses)129-116-83-5Ineligible

Haw. Code R. tit. 20, subtit. 3, ch. 41, subch. 3, Definition of "Full-time" And "Part-time" As Applied to Students (6/17/81)
